Bang & Olufsen
Rolls Razor
Stahly Live Blade Razor
Sunbeam Shavemaster
More brands
List of all brands, sitemap
Electric safety razors - UPDATED! -
Lady's shavers
Advertisements - UPDATED! -
China today
The Far East
Russia and Ukraine
Former East Germany (GDR)
Books and docs library (more than 250 kB)
Patents library 1899-1976
Mobile services
List of all brands, sitemap
Electric shaving
Electric Shaver Page
Philishave Collectors Club
Simply Switch On ...!
Philishave World
Shaver Maniac
More links - UPDATED! -
Ownership: The trademarks, models, designs, photographs, etc. featuring on this site are the property of their respective owners.
Copyright: Texts, photographs and illustrations © 1999-2011 Peter de Weijer (E|S|M), unless indicated otherwise. Noncommercial use of the information on this site is permitted provided the source is stated expressly.
Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the Electric Shaver Museum or Peter de Weijer cannot accept responsibility for any damage due to incorrect information on E|S|M's pages. Errors and omissions in this website may be reported to the editor. They will be checked and, if accepted, corrected in a future update.
Links: E|S|M does not endorse the sites behind the links on E|S|M's pages. Following these links will open a new browser window.
No frames / text only versions: See mobile services.
Last 3 updates: February 5, 2011 (Electric safety razors collection updated with Telerazor, Redox, Braun and Gillette), October 31, 2010 (Advertisements collection updated), July 10, 2010 (China today collection, Russia-Ukraine collection and patents library updated).
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Location: E|S|M is a virtual museum only.
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Site history: WayBackMachine
Virtual attendant: Paul Groman
Site design & editor: Peter de Weijer

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