Summary (counting of this tracker closed 26 May 2007) | Period: 2937 Days |
Daily Unique: | | Totals: | |
Today | - | Unique Visitors | 52905 - 62.67% |
Yesterday | - | Visits incl. Reloads | 84405 |
Average | 18 | Reloads | 31500 - 37.32% |
Highest Day | 185 / 07 Jun, Sat, 2003 | Visitors via Referrers | 37860 - 71.56% |
Weekly Unique: | | Website Referrers | 1203 |
Current Week | - | Javascript Enabled | 51181 - 96.74% |
Last Week | 137 | | |
Average | 121 | Most accessed: | |
Highest Week | 467 / Wk 23, 2003 | Browser | MSIE 6 |
Monthly Unique: | | Operating System | Windows XP |
Current Month | - | Screen Resolution | 1024x768 |
Last Month | 576 | Screen Color | 32 Bit (16m) |
Average | 545 | Searchengine | Google |
Highest Month | 1152 / Jun, 2003 | Keyword | electric |
Highest Hour of the Day | 21:00 - 21:59 | Domain/Country | .com / United States |
Highest Day of the Week | Monday | Continent | North-America |