Philips, Philishave, Norelco, Radiola & Raselis
Gijs Bakker, Evert Rodrigo et al, Design in Nederland, Nederlandse Kunststichting, Amsterdam (NL) 1981
> A short history of Dutch design and written portraits of 20 Dutch designers. Photograph of Philishaves on pages 5 and 41. Dutch.
H. Baudet, Een vertrouwde wereld, Bert Bakker, Amsterdam (NL) 1986
> A book about innovations with a story about the introduction of electric shaving. Photographs of Philishaves on pages 54-57. Dutch.
Guus Bekooy et al, Philips honderd, Europese Bibliotheek, Zaltbommel (NL) 1991
> A book on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Philips company. Some photographs of shavers, for example of the so-called Moonshaver, a prototype never used in space. Dutch.
Guus Bekooy, Frits Philips 100, Uitgeverij Aprilis, Zaltbommel (NL) 2005
> A book on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Frits Philips with many unpublished photographs from the family-album. Dutch.
I.J. Blanken, The history of Philips Electronics N.V. (Vol. 3, The development of N.V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken into a major electrical group), European Library, Zaltbommel (NL) 1999
> The third volume of Philips' history, 1918 till 1930. Five volumes are published until now (see also A. Heerding, who wrote vol. 1 and 2). English and Dutch (1992) editions.
I.J. Blanken, The history of Philips Electronics N.V. (Vol. 4, Under German rule), European Library, Zaltbommel (NL) 1999
> The fourth volume of Philips' history, 1930 till 1950. Five volumes are published until now (see also A. Heerding, who wrote vol. 1 and 2). English and Dutch (1997) editions.
I.J. Blanken, The history of Royal Philips Electronics N.V. (Vol. 5, An industrial worldfederation), European Library, Zaltbommel (NL) 2002
> The fifth volume of the history of the - now royal - Philips company, 1950 till 1970. Five volumes are published until now (see also A. Heerding, who wrote vol. 1 and 2). English and Dutch editions.
Kees Boersma, Inventing structures for industrial research, Aksant, Amsterdam (NL) 2002
> The history of the famous Philips "NatLab" (physics laboratory) between 1914-1946. English.
P.J. Bouman, Anton Philips, de mens - de ondernemer, Meulenhoff, Amsterdam (NL) 1956
> The biography of Anton Philips. This is the first (hardcover) edition. The second edition, revised and supplemented by the author, was issued in 1966 by Prisma-Boeken (no 1186), Utrecht (NL) / Antwerp (BE). Dutch first edition and paperback edition. English editions "Anton Philips of Eindhoven" (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London UK 1958) and "Growth of an enterprise, the life of Anton Philips" (Macmillan, London UK 1970).
Wilhelm Braun-Feldweg, Industriële vormgeving, Het Spectrum (Marka pocket), Utrecht (NL) 1969
> About industrial design. Biography of Philips designer L.C. Kalff on pages 130-131. Dutch.
Piet Brouwers, Lambert Tabak, '44-'69 Werken in vrijheid, Philips' Persbureau, Eindhoven (NL) 1969
> A book on the history of Philips to commemorate the facts that the south of Holland was liberated from the German occupier Sept. 18, 1944 and that the first Philips Koerier was issued Oct. 4 1944. Dutch.
Mel Byars, On/Off, New Electronic Products, Universe Publishing, New York (NY, USA) 2001
> New electronic products and gadgets, including Norelco's "Micro Action Free Style" series. English.
H.B.G. Casimir and S. Gradstein (ed.), An anthology of Philips research, N.V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken, Eindhoven (NL) 1966
> A history and an overview of achievements of the famous Philips Research Laboratories. No shavers. English.
Patrick Cook and Catherine Slessor, Bakelite, Chartwell Books Inc., Secaucus (NJ, USA) / Quintet Publishing Ltd., London (UK) 1992
> A guide to collecting bakelite. On page 31 Raymond Loewy is erroneously mentioned as the designer of Philishave 7735. English.
Peter van Dam, Ir. Louis C. Kalff 1897-1976, het artistieke geweten van Philips, [Z]OO Productions, Eindhoven (NL) 2007
> A biography of L.C. Kalff, for many years responsible for the appearance of Philips' products and advertisements. Dutch.
Wisse Dekker, Levenslang Philips, Uitgeverij Balans, Amsterdam (NL) 1996
> Former Philips CEO Wisse Dekker's memoirs. Dutch.
Sergio Derks, Rondom scheren, het succes van een uniek systeem, Philips DAP, Groningen (NL) 1989
> A book on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Philishave, with a history of Philishave and many seldom seen shavers, advertisements and gadgets. Dutch and English editions.
Sergio Derks, Wil Nuijen, Paul Spierings and Peter de Weijer, Scheren, van klapmes tot Philishave, Philips Eindhoven/PVC, Zwolle (NL) 1996
> A short history of shaving from straight razor to Philishave. Published on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Dutch Philishave Verzamelaars Club (Philishave Collectors Club). Dutch, French and English editions.
Sergio Derks, Philishave, generations of shaving excellence, Philips DAP, Groningen (NL) 1999
> A book on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Philishave with a history of Philishave and beautiful photographs. Dutch and English editions.
Sergio Derks, De kracht van vernieuwing (50 jaar Philips Drachten), Philips DAP, Drachten (NL) 2000
> Memorial book on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Philips' shaver factory at Drachten, The Netherlands. Dutch.
Sergio Derks, Wil Nuijen, Paul Spierings and Peter de Weijer, Koppen bij elkaar, Philishave Verzamelaars Club, Zwolle (NL) 2000
> An anthology of the Philishave Collectors Club's magazine and many reproductions of advertisements of the 1940's and 1950's on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Club. Dutch.
Anon., Prädikat Industrieform Hannover 1988, Die gute Industrieform Hannover e.V., Hannover (DE) 1988
> This catalog contains selected exhibits in the Industrieform exhibition in 1988. 4 Philips shavers on pages 524-527. German/English/French.
Günther Erdmann (ed.), Dynamic plastics - vom Bakelite zum High-Plast, Kunststoff-Museums-Verein, Frankfurt (DE) 1989
> A book on plastics with a picture of Philishave 7733 on page 76. German with English translation.
René Erven, De esthetiek van de vernieuwing, Eindhoven (NL) 1998
> A study on the styling of the Philishave (1939-1989), paper for the Dutch Open University. Interviews with Philips-designers Frans van der Put and Lou Beeren. Dutch.
René Erven, De esthetiek van de vernieuwing, in: Locus, Tijdschrift voor studenten en docenten Cultuurwetenschappen, Open Universiteit (NL) no 7, 2000
> This article in a Dutch magazine for teachers focuses on recent Philips shaver design: Philishave Reflex Action and Cool Skin, Norelco Advantage. Dutch.
Maarten Evenblij, Shaver tolt en tolt en tolt, in: Ingenieurskrant (NL) 2-5-1991
> Article on Philips' shaving technology in a Dutch technical magazine. Dutch.
Jan Feith and T. Nieuwenhuis (design and ed.), NV Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken 1891-1916, NV Philips, Eindhoven (NL) 1916
> Memorial book on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of NV Philips' Gloeilampenfabrieken (Incandescent Lamp Works). Dutch. A facsimile with an English translation was published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the incandescent lamp in 1979.
Adrian Forty, Objects of desire, Thames and Hudson, London (UK) 1986
> A study on design and society between 1750 and 1980. Philishave and Ladyshave illustrate the differentiation in design for male and female customers. English.
Eric van Gruijthuijsen and Peter Junge, De revolutie van Jan Timmer, Strengholt/Het Parool, Bussum/Amsterdam (NL) 1991
> About former Philips CEO Jan Timmer and his "Operation Centurion" to save Philips in the early 1990's. Dutch.
Jean Bernard Hebey, Domestic aesthetic, household art 1920-1970, 5 Continents Editions, Milano (IT) 2002
> A profusely illustrated coffee-table book with 365 beautiful household objects, including a Philips Beauty set on pages 324-325. English, also published in Italian as Estetica domestica, le arti della casa.
Harrie Heemskerk, Philips maakt 300 miljoen Philishaves, in: Elektro Magazine Detailhandel (NL) May 1995
> Article about Philips' market position in a Dutch trade journal. Dutch.
A. Heerding, The history of N.V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken (Vol. 1, The origin of the Dutch incandescent lamp industry), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK) 1986
> This is the first volume of Philips' history, dealing with the Dutch lamp industry until the start of the Philips company in 1891. Five volumes are published until now (see also I.J. Blanken, who wrote vol. 3 and 4). English and Dutch editions.
A. Heerding, The history of N.V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken (Vol. 2, A company of many parts), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK) 1988
> The second volume of Philips' history, dealing with the period from 1891 till 1918. Five volumes are published until now (see also I.J. Blanken, who wrote vol. 3 and 4). English and Dutch editions.
Steven Heller and Louise Fili, Dutch Modern, graphic design from De Stijl to deco, Chronicle Books, San Francisco (CA, USA) 1994
> A book about Dutch graphic design between 1920 and 1940. Philips publicity and packagings on pages 62-67. English.
John Heskett, Philips, a study of the corporate management of design, Trefoil Publications, London (UK) 1989
> A book on Philips' corporate design. Photographs of shavers and designers throughout the book. English.
Ed van Hinte, Down-to-earth and unorthodox, in: Dutch Arts (NL) July 1989
> An introduction to Dutch design in a periodical of the International Information Dept. of the Dutch Ministry for Cultural Affairs. English.
Pieke Hooghoff, Plastics in het huishouden, Europese Bibliotheek, Zaltbommel (NL) 2001
> About plastic housewares, including Philishave and Oster clippers. Dutch.
A. Horowitz, A. van Dam and W.H. van der Mei, Het electrisch scheerapparaat Philishave, in: Philips Technisch Tijdschrift (NL) Dec. 1939
> A description of the first Philishave in Philips' technical magazine by the inventor himself. Dutch.
Jerry Jankowski, Shelf space, modern package design 1945-1965, Chronicle Books, San Francisco (CA, USA) 1998
> A book on package design. Photograph of Norelco Coquette and its packaging on page 77. English.
Ted Jansen (ed.), Professioneel profiel, Philips Nederland NV, Eindhoven (NL) 1970
> The professional products of Philips like medical equipment, computers, projects for the infrastructure etcetera. Dutch.
Guy Julier, The Thames and Hudson encyclopedia of 20th century design and designers, Thames and Hudson, London (UK) 1993
> Philips company mentioned on pages 154-155. English.
Gerard Kerkvliet and Willem van Well Groeneveld, Industrial design in practice, Akademie Industriële Vormgeving, Eindhoven (NL) 1987
> About the academy of industrial design in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Interviews with Philips designers and teachers at the academy. Dutch/English.
R.J. Kras et al, Bakeliet, techniek, vormgeving en gebruik, Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen, Rotterdam (NL) 1981
> A book on bakelite with a short history of Philishave and photographs of several Philishaves (7736, 7733, 7735, SC 7860 and KL 2400) on pages 94-97. Raymond Loewy is erroneously mentioned as the designer of Philishave 7735. Dutch with English summary.
R.J. Kras, Nederlands fabrikaat, industriële vormgeving, (Teleac/NOT) V+K Publishing, Bussum (NL) 1997
> A book with a Dutch educational television series on Dutch industrial design. Photographs of Philishave 7736 and 7735 on page 40. According to the author the design for type 7735 "sometimes is attributed to Raymond Loewy". Dutch.
Dingeman Kuilman, De schuld van het schildembleem, Uitgeverij Nieuwer Amstel, Amsterdam (NL) 1991
> The history of the Philips logo. Dutch.
Pieter Lakeman, 100 Jaar Philips, de officieuze biografie, Lakeman Publishers, Amsterdam (NL) 1991
> A critical book on the history of Philips, written by a Dutch advocate of shareholders interests. Dutch.
Toon Lauwen, Dutch design van de 20ste eeuw, Thoth, Bussum (NL) 2003
> An outline of Dutch design in the 20th century. Dutch.
Loet Leydesdorff et al, Philips en de wetenschap, Socialistische Uitgeverij Amsterdam, Amsterdam (NL) 1980
> An interesting but dated study to the influence of Philips on scientific physics research in Holland. Dutch.
Christopher Lorenz, The design dimension, Blackwell, Oxford (UK) 1986
> About design as a competitive weapon for business. Pages 104-113 are about Philips, pages 110-112 about Philishave. English.
N. Luning Prak, Industriële vormgeving, Scheltema Holkema NV/Brusse NV, Amsterdam/Rotterdam (NL) 1957
> On industrial design in the Netherlands. Philishave 7743 on photographs 16 and 57. Dutch.
Stefano Marzano, Creating value by design, thoughts by Stefano Marzano, V+K Publishers / Lund Humphries Publishers, Blaricum (NL) / London (UK) 1998
> Writings of the director of the Philips Design Group on the ideas and strategies of the Design Group. No shavers. English.
Anon., Creating value by design, facts from Philips Design, V+K Publishers / Lund Humphries Publishers, Blaricum (NL) / London (UK) 1998
> A picturebook of the activities of the Philips Design Group in the 1990's. Some shavers. English and 7 other languages.
Stefano Marzano, Past tense, future sense, Bis Publishers, Amsterdam (NL) 2005
> 80 Years of design at Philips, with a special chapter on Philishave. English.
Marcel Metze, Kortsluiting, Sun, Nijmegen (NL) 1991
> A critical book on the recent history of Philips (1980-1990). Dutch.
Marcel Metze, Let's make things better, Sun, Nijmegen (NL) 1997
> Another critical book on the recent history of Philips (1990-1997). Dutch.
Marcel Metze, Anton Philips 1874-1951, Uitgeverij Balans, Amsterdam (NL) 2004
> A new biography of Anton Philips by Philips-watcher Metze. Dutch.
G.A. van der Molen and A.M. Vierhout (ed.), 60 Jaar Philips 1891-1951, Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken NV, Eindhoven (NL) 1951
> A book (magazine format) on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Philips. Dutch.
Barbara Mundt, (Produkt)Design 1900-1990, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin (DE) 1991
> A few words on Philishave design. Photograph of Philishave 7735. German.
C.G. Nijsen, Philips in het kort, Philips Public Relations Projects Dept., Eindhoven (NL) 1973
> Official Philips information for public relations, new personnel, thesis, lectures, etc. Dutch.
D. Overkleeft and L.E. Groosman, Het Dekker perspectief, Kluwer/Veen Deventer/Utrecht (NL) 1987
> Former Philips CEO Wisse Dekker's thoughts on Europeanization as a condition for the survival of the European industry. Dutch and English editions.
Rob Perrée (ed.), Bakelite, Cadre/Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon NV, Amsterdam/Ghent (NL/BE) 1996
> A book on bakelite based on the Dutch Becht-collection. Photographs of Philishave 7736 and 7733 and Raselis 7733 on page 105. English.
Anon., In en om de Philips fabrieken, NV Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken, Eindhoven (NL) 1920
> A book with 100 historical photographs of the Philips factories, the employees and early advertisements (no texts). The book is designed by Chris Lebeau (1878-1945), a well known Dutch artist/designer. Dutch and French editions.
Anon., Korte beschrijving der Philips' bedrijven, NV Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken, Eindhoven (NL) 1938
> A book with an overview of the Philips company in 1938 with historical photographs. Dutch.
Anon., 25 Years with Philishave, Philips International, Eindhoven (NL) 1964
> A book published on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Philishave. English.
Anon., Philips Drachten 25, Philips DAP, Drachten (NL) 1975
> A short history of shaving and a history of Philips' shaver factories in Drachten, The Netherlands. Published on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of these factories. Dutch.
Anon., Philishave 1939-1979 Historical Review, Philips DAP, Drachten (NL) 1979
> A booklet on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Philishave with 42 shavers and a history of the rotary shaving-head. English.
Anon., Philishave Magazine 40 jaar, in: Philips Magazine (NL) special 1979
> A special issue of Philips' company magazine on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Philishave. Dutch.
Anon., De geschiedenis van de baard/Morgen weer scheren, in: Philips Magazine (NL) June 1983
> A short history of shaving with many Philishaves in Philips' company magazine. Dutch.
Anon., Elektronica voor mensen, Philips Electronics NV, Eindhoven (NL) 1992
> A corporate brochure about Philips' position in 1992. Dutch.
Anon., Nat versus droog, de strijd om het mannengezicht, in: Philips Magazine (NL) March 1997
> A short story about Philishave in Philips' company magazine, with photographs of some rare Philishaves. Dutch.
Frits Philips and Leo Ott, 45 Jaar met Philips, Ad. Donker, Rotterdam (NL) 1976
> Autobiography of Frits Philips. Dutch hardcover first edition, Dutch paperback, English and German editions.
Wallace G. Pinfold, A closer shave, man's daily search for perfection, Artisan, New York (NY, USA) 1999
> A nice anecdotal book about shaving. Photograph of a giant Philishave Reflex Action shaver, painted by Dutch COBRA painter Corneille on page 57. English. German and Dutch translations by Könemann, Köln (DE) 2000.
Renny Ramakers, Vorm & industrie in Nederland 1, Uitgeverij 010, Rotterdam (NL) 1984
> A book about housewares design in The Netherlands. Pages 20-23 are about Philishave. Dutch.
Timo de Rijk, Het elektrische huis, Uitgeverij 010, Rotterdam (NL) 1998
> A dissertation about the design and introduction of electrical appliances in the Dutch home. Chapters about Philips and the history of Philips' design department. Dutch with English summary.
Timo de Rijk, Designers in Nederland, Ludion, Amsterdam/Gent (NL/BE) 2003
> An encyclopedia of Dutch design. Dutch.
Jacques Rouaud, 60 Ans d'arts menagers, tome 2: 1948-1983, la consommation, Syros Alternatives, Paris (FR) 1993
> Part two (1948-1983) of the French housewares story. French.
Eric van Royen, Philips en zijn toeleveranciers, Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken voor Zuid-Oost Brabant, Eindhoven (NL) 1991
> A study about the relations between the Philips-factories in Eindhoven and its suppliers in the region, for example the suppliers of shaver cases Jac. Rompa and Sons BV and Incase BV. Dutch.
Frances Ruijter, Philips ziet het licht, in: Items (NL) no 38, Aug. 1991
> About design as a new element in Philips' company strategy. Photograph of the 1990 Philishave program. Dutch.
De Scheerkoerier (NL) quarterly magazine from Sept. 1990 till now
> From September 1990 the Dutch Philishave Verzamelaars Club (Philishave Collectors Club) has published a magazine for its members every three months. Dutch.
Wolfgang Schmittel, Corporate design international, ABC Verlag, Zürich (CH) 1984 > A book on corporate identity by Braun's graphic designer Schmittel. Several ad's for Philips XTR foil shavers depicted on page 60. English, German, French.
Brigitte Schmutzler (ed.), Bakelit, ein Werkstoff mit Zukunft, Landesmuseum Koblenz, Koblenz (DE) 1993
> Catalogue of an exhibition with the same name. Photograph of a safetyrazor set and a Philishave. German.
Gert Staal and Hester Wolters (ed.), Holland in vorm, Stichting Holland in vorm, 's-Gravenhage (NL) 1987
> A history of Dutch design with a short story on Philips' design. Dutch.
Ronald Stein (ed.), The sum that is Philips, Corporate Bureau External Relations, Eindhoven (NL) 1983
> An overview of the company and its products. English.
István Szénássy (ed.), Ontwerpen voor de industrie 1, Martinipers/Wolters Noordhoff, Groningen (NL) 1982
> A book on the industrial design process. Photograph of Philips 7733 and KL2400 on page 46. Dutch.
Lambert Tabak (ed.), Terug naar toen, Philips Persbureau, Eindhoven (NL) 1966
> An anthology of articles on the year 1891 in the Philips Koerier of 1966, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Philips. Dutch.
Michael Tambini, 100 Jaar design, Unieboek/Gaade Uitgevers, Houten (NL) 1997
> 100 Years design. Philishave and Ladyshave on pages 102-103. This is the Dutch translation of the book The Look of the Century.
Ad Teulings, Philips, Geschiedenis en praktijk van een wereldconcern, Van Gennep, Amsterdam (NL) 1976
> A critical book on the history of Philips from a Marxist viewpoint. Dutch.
E.W. Tietjens, De geschiedenis van het Philishave scheerapparaat, in: Philips Technisch Tijdschrift (NL) July 1986
> A history of Philishave in Philips' technical magazine. Dutch.
A.Th. van Urk, Beschouwingen over het electrisch scheren, in: Philips Technisch Tijdschrift (NL) Jan. 1950
> Article about electric shaving in Philips' technical magazine. Dutch.
Janine Verstegen, Elektrische apparaten, in: Industrie en vormgeving in Nederland 1850|1950, Reproduktieafdeling Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (NL) 1985
> Article about the design of Philips radio's in a catalogue for an exhibition on Dutch industrial design. Dutch.
Marc J. de Vries, 80 Years of research at the Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium 1914-1994, Pallas Publications, Amsterdam (NL) 2005
> The history of the famous Philips NatLab (physics laboratory) between 1914 and 1994. English.
Dieter Weidmann, Philips, in: Trödler no 250, September 2000
> A short history of Philips design and products in a German magazine for collectors. German.
Peter de Weijer and Sergio Derks, Bijna 60 jaar Philishave boeiend in beeld gebracht (delen 1 en 2), in: Verzamelkrant (NL) Dec. 1996 and Jan. 1997
> A short history of the Philishave, first published as a leaflet for a Philishave exhibition in the Museum of the 20th Century at Hoorn (The Netherlands). This is a reprint in a Dutch magazine for collectors. Dutch.
Frans Wilbrink, Kunst in de Philips-reclame, [Z]OO producties, Eindhoven (NL) 2005
> How artists worked for Philips publicity and advertising campaigns between 1891 and 1941. Dutch.
Knut Yran, ... a joy forever, Industrial Design Institute of Australia (IDIA), Melbourne (AU) 1980
> Yran, director of Philips' Concern Industrial Design Centre between 1966 and 1980, gives his view on industrial design. Based on a keynote speech to the First Industrial Design Forum in Australia.
Peter A. Zucker (ed.), Vision of a reality, Philips, Eindhoven (NL) 1966
> A book on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Philips company. No shavers. English.
