Electric Shaver Museum, Library

This is the no-frames/text-only version of the library of the Electric Shaver Museum. More than 425 titles of books and articles on shaving, razors, shavers and shaverdesign are described here. For easier navigation through the library, or to see E|S|M's exhibitions click here (unless forced, not available for mobile devices with a screenwidth less than 640 pixels).
Besides some general categories (e.g. 'history of razors', 'ancient razors', 'history of shaving, beards and barbering') the library includes books (data and a very short summary) in sections for each manufacturer: Bang & Olufsen, Braun, etc. Titles may occur more than once in the list in different categories.

history of razorsancient razorshistory of shaving, beards and barberingbarber's manualsself shavingcollectingwomen & body hairbakeliteconsumer reportsAEGB&OBBBelcutBootsBraunCalorCharkiv and CharkovChiltonDistlerEltronGilletteGrundigHarabKoblerKometKrupsMatriciaMatsushitaMilwardMoskvaNationalNevaNorelcoOrelPackardPanasonicPhilipsPhilishaveRabaldoRacineRadiolaRaselisRemingtonRolls RazorRonsonSanyoSchickSeikoSiemensSunbeamTarkThorensVibro ShaveWilkinson SwordSources

History of razors
George B. Baldwin, The invention of the modern safety razor: a case study of industrial innovation, in: Explorations in entrepreneurial history (USA) Dec. 1951 > A monograph based on King Gillette's and William Nickerson's memoirs which were published in the "Blade", the Gillette company's house organ in the beginning of the twentieth century (pages 73-102). English.
H. Baudet, Een vertrouwde wereld, Bert Bakker, Amsterdam (NL) 1986 > A book about innovations. The story of the introduction of electric shaving on pages 53-57. Photographs of Philishave, Rolls Razor, Siemens, Schick and Thorens shavers. Dutch.
Luigi Bearzotti, Il rasoio, in: Ottagono (IT) no 67, Sept. 1982 > A short history of shaving (pages 60-67). Photographs of Philishave, Braun, Remington, Schick and Sunbeam shavers. Italian.
Helmut Beermann, Solingen, ein Streifzug durch fünf Jahrhunderte Messer und Klingen, Eigenverlag Martor, Solingen (DE) 1993 > History of the cutlery industry of Solingen, Germany, packed with old advertisements for razors and barbershop equipment. German.
J.-P. Bezard and R. Perrayon, Rasoir électrique à sec, published by the authors, Nimes (FR) 2002 > An anthology of texts from books and websites (also of E|S|M's), completed with many photographs and advertisements of electric shavers. French.
Laurence Bich, Le Baron Bich, Perrin, Paris (FR) 2001 > A biography of baron Marcel Bich, the inventor of the Bic pen and the Bic disposable razor. French.
Gerd Dahmann, Patentwesen, technischer Fortschritt und Wettbewerb, Peter D. Lang, Frankfurt (DE) 1981 > The author formulates and substantiates a hypothesis on patents based on the example of the razor industry. Also published as a dissertation for the Dortmund University (1979). German.
Sergio Derks, Wil Nuijen, Paul Spierings and Peter de Weijer, Scheren, van klapmes tot Philishave, Philips Eindhoven/PVC Zwolle (NL) 1996 > A short history of shaving from straight razor to Philishave. Published on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Dutch Philishave Verzamelaars Club (Philishave Collectors Club). Dutch, French and English editions.
Michael C. Dooling, The art & science of shaving, Warner Lambert Shaving Products Group, Milford (CT, USA) 1994 > A short history of shaving and the manufacture of modern razors by the owners of the Schick and Wilkinson brands. English and Japanese (1995) versions.
Michael C. Dooling, Innovation in shaving, Warner Lambert Shaving Products Group, Milford (CT, USA) 1997 > A brief outline of Schick and Wilkinson's technologies and inventions. English.
Robert A. Doyle, Don't throw it away, in: American Blade (USA), February 1978 > A short history of straight razors in the 19th century in a US magazine for knife enthusiasts. English.
Raoul Fauré and Henri Guillard, Histoire de la lame de rasoir, Imprimerie à l'Ecole, Cannes (FR) 1952 > A short history of shaving and the manufacture of razorblades published with the cooperation of Gillette France. French.
Anon., 1,500,000 Dry Shavers, in: Fortune (USA), May 1938 > The first well-documented article on the early years of electric shaving in the USA. English.
Alexander Glück, Rasiermesser, in: Trödler (DE), July 2003 > A short history of safetyrazors in a German magazine for collectors. German.
Frank Gnegel, Bart Ab, DuMont, Köln (DE) 1995 > The best book on the history of shaving and razors so far. Many photographs and a great reference to other literature. German.
Johannes Groβewinkelmann, Die Entwicklung der deutschen Rasierklingenindustrie 1900 bis 1960, unpublished paper for the University of Bielefeld (DE) 1992 > A history of the German razor-blades industry between 1900 and 1960. German.
Wolfgang Hasselmann, Rasiergeräte (4 volumes), Eigenverlag, München (DE) 1992 > Hasselmann owned one of the largest collections of electric shavers in Europe, specialized in early European shavers. "Rasiergeräte" are in fact four books with photocopies: one with patents and two with photographs and descriptions of more than 1,000 electric shavers; the fourth is an update. The books were published by Hasselmann in an edition limited to 5 copies. German.
J.B. Himsworth, The story of cutlery, Ernest Benn Ltd. for The Hardware Trade Journal, London (UK) 1953 > A history of cutlery from the prehistoric and early periods until 1953, with a chapter on razors. English.
Rudie Kagie, Scheren, in: Vrij Nederland (bijlage) (NL) 14-7-1984 > A special of a Dutch magazine about shaving. Photographs of Braun, Philishave, Remington, Siemens and Thorens shavers. Dutch.
Phillip L. Krumholz, A history of shaving and razors, Ad Libs Publishing Co., Bartonville (IL, USA) 1987 > Not really a history, but rather an encyclopedia of straight razors, safety razors and the like. There is some information about electric shavers, especially early USA brands Sunbeam and Schick. English.
Anders Larsen, Sharp practice, the real man's guide to shaving, Transworld Publishers, London (UK) 2006 (Bantam Press edition) and 2007 (Corgi edition) > A guide to shaving with notes on the history of shaving. English. Bantam Press edition and Corgi edition.
Anon., Lorenzi's, Lorenzi's, Milano (IT) 1995 > Lorenzi's, an Italian cutlery firm, owns one of the largest collections of straight and safety razors in Europe. This booklet, published for the Messe Frankfurt (Germany) 1995, presents a history of the Lorenzi company and a short history of shaving. Later published as "Pogonotomia - The art of shaving". German/English.
Franco Lorenzi, Rasoi e lame, barbe e baffi, Silvana Editoriale, Milano (IT) 2003 > An illustrated history of razors and shaving based on the Lorenzi family collection. Italian.
Anon., Reichszinnungsverband des Buchsenmacher- und Messerschmiedehandwerks, Das Rasiermesser - sein Werdegang, seine Pflege, Messerschmiedeverlag / Kupky & Dietze, Radebeul (DE) 1939 > About the maintenance of straight razors. German.
Marco Migliari, Shaving with a hoe, in: Stileindustria (IT), May 1995 > Article on the evolution of the razor. Italian and English text.
Kurt Moe, Phillip L. Krumholz a.o., The razor anthology, Knife World Publications, Knoxville (TE, USA) 1995 > A collection of reprints of articles in the American magazine Knife World about (non-electric) shaving. English.
Monopolies and merger commission (M.S. Lipworth), Razors and razor blades, HMSO London (UK) 1991 > A report on the supply in the United Kingdom of razors and razor blades for wet-shaving use, with much information on the British wet-shaving market in the 1980's. Also published as "Stora Kopparbergs Bergslags AB/Swedish Match NV, and Stora Kopparbergs Bergslags AB/The Gillette Company (report on the merger situations)". English.
Enrique Orschanski, Hojas de afeitar Argentinas, Guía para coleccionistas, published by the author, Córdoba (AR) 2005 > A book with photographs and information on 176 Argentinian razor blade brands. Spanish.
Philip Pankiewicz, New England cutlery, Holly Tree Publications, High Point (NC, USA) 1986 > The book contains historical profiles of over 100 different New England cutlery firms from the 1830's up to the present day. English.
Anon., Scheren vroeger en nu, in: Panorama (NL) Jan. 1952 > A short article about the history of shaving in a Dutch magazine. Dutch.
Jean-Jacques Perret, La pogonotomie, ou l'art d'apprendre à se raser soi-même (...), Chez Dufour, Paris (FR) 1769 > This is THE classic book on self-shaving with a design of what is considered to be the first safety razor. Perret lived 1730-1784. French. Second edition at Yverdon 1770.
Anon., Philips Drachten 25, Philips DAP, Drachten (NL) 1975 > A short history of shaving in a book on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Philips' shaver factories at Drachten, The Netherlands. Dutch.
Nigel Sharpe, The incomplete Wardonia razors and blades collectors handbook, published by the author, (UK) 200x > A book about collecting Wardonia razors. English.
Peter Smithurst, The cutlery industry, Shire Album 195, Shire Publications Ltd., Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire (UK) 1987 > A Shire album about the English cutlery industry, especially of Sheffield. English.
Anon., Glad geschoren, in: Verzamelhobby Magazine (BE) no 31, Nov. 1990 > A short history of shaving in a Belgian magazine for collectors (pages 9-11) based on the information in Shire Album 117; see also Durbin. Dutch.
Wolfgang Waitkus, Elektrische Rasierapparate, Vom Barthobel zum Scherfolienrasierer, in: Trödler (DE) no 211, June 1997 > A short history of electric shavers in a German magazine for collectors. Photographs of Braun, Dual, Philishave, Punktal, Raselet, Remington, Schick, Siemens and Thorens. German.
Robert K. Waits, A safety razor compendium, J.IV.IX Publications, Sunnyvale (CA, USA) 2005 > A cd-rom with 587 pdf-pages information on safety razors. English.
Evert Werkman, 50 Eeuwen baardcultuur, in: Motorama (General Motors Continental Antwerpen) (BE) no 21, July 1959 > A short history of shaving in a European GM magazine. Photograph of a prototype Schick. Dutch.

Ancient razors
Vera Bianco Peroni, I rasoi nell'Italia continentale (Prähistorische Bronzefunde, Abt. VIII - Band 2), C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München (DE) 1979 > A scientific study on shaving tools from the bronze era in Italy with hundreds of drawings. Published in a serie of studies on the same subject. See also Gedl, Jockenhövel and Weber. Italian.
George C. Boon, Tonsor Humanus: Razor and toilet-knife in antiquity, in: Britannia - A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies Vol. 22, Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, London (UK) 1991 > A study about the use of razors in the Roman empire. English.
Marek Gedl, Die Rasiermesser in Polen (Prähistorische Bronzefunde, Abt. VIII - Band 4), C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München (DE) 1981 > A scientific study on shaving tools from the bronze era in Poland with hundreds of drawings. Published in a serie of studies on the same subject. See also Bianco Peroni, Jockenhövel and Weber. German.
J.B. Himsworth, The story of cutlery, Ernest Benn Ltd. for The Hardware Trade Journal, London (UK) 1953 > A history of cutlery from the prehistoric and early periods until 1953, with a chapter on razors. English.
Albrecht Jockenhövel, Die Rasiermesser in Mitteleuropa (Prähistorische Bronzefunde, Abt. VIII - Band 1), C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München (DE) 1971 > A scientific study on shaving tools from the bronze era in Mid Europe with hundreds of drawings. Originally published as the author's thesis in Frankfurt am Main (DE), 1969. Published in a serie of studies on the same subject. See also Bianco Peroni, Gedl and Weber. German.
Albrecht Jockenhövel, Die Rasiermesser in Westeuropa (Prähistorische Bronzefunde, Abt. VIII - Band 3), C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München (DE) 1980 > A scientific study on shaving tools from the bronze era in Western Europe with hundreds of drawings. Published in a serie of studies on the same subject. See also Bianco Peroni, Gedl and Weber. German.
Gerhard Lindblom, African razors, a preliminary study, Statens Etnografiska Museum, Stockholm (SE) 1943 > An overview of information available on the history of shaving in Africa. English.
Rafael Martinez del Peral Fortón, La navaja española antigua, Instituto de Estudios sobre Armas Antiguas, Madrid (ES) 1979 > Scientific study on Spanish historic razors, first published in a shorter form as Las Navajas in Gladius, Jan. 1975. Spanish.
W.M. Flinders Petrie, Objects of daily use, British School of Archaeology in Egypt (no 42), London (UK) 1927 > A study on objects of daily use in ancient Egypt, with some razors. English.
Claus Weber, Die Rasiermesser in Südosteuropa (Prähistorische Bronzefunde, Abt. VIII - Band 5), F. Steiner, Stuttgart (DE) 1996 > A scientific study on shaving tools from the bronze era in south east Europe with hundreds of drawings. Published in a serie of studies on the same subject. See also Bianco Peroni, Gedl and Jockenhövel. German.

History of shaving
William Andrews, At the sign of the barber pole: studies in hirsute history, J.R. Tutin, Cottingham (Yorkshire, UK) 1904, reprint Singing Tree Press, Detroit (MI, USA) 1969 > About fashions in hair, beards, wigs and the history of barbers and barber-surgeons since the Middle Ages. W. Andrews lived 1848-1908. English.
Jos van Amsterdam et al, "Eens was ik ...", Veen uitgevers, Utrecht (NL) / Antwerpen (BE) 1990 > A book on Dutch copywriter Karel Sartory and his campaign for Castella shaving soap. Dutch.
Artium Magister, An apology for the beard, Gilbert and Rivington, London (UK) 1862 > An amusing pro-beard booklet. Not to be confused with "Apologia de barbis" below. English.
Ronald S. Barlow, The vanishing American barbershop, Windmill Publishing Company, El Cajon (CA, USA) 1993 > An illustrated history of tonsorial art from 1860 to 1960 with information about shaving and a short story about Gillette. Second edition by W. Marvy Company, St. Paul (MN, USA) 1996. English.
Burchardus de Bellevaux, Apologia de barbis, manuscript, Bellevaux (diocese of Besançon, FR), between 1100 and 1164 > Latin manuscript written in the 12th century by abbot Burchard, edited by Ernst Ph. Goldschmidt, Cambridge (UK) 1935, later edited by R.B.C. Huygens with an introduction by Giles Constable, in: Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis LXII, Brepols Academic Publishers, Turnhout (BE) 1985. See also: Giles Constable below. "An apology for the beard" by the anonymous "Artium Magister" mentioned above is a different book.
Heinz Borner and Wilhelm Herrmann, Die Geschichte des Amtes des Barbiere und Chirurgen in der freien Hansastadt Lübeck, Michel Verlag, Berlin (DE) 1934 > The history of the barber-surgeons in Lübeck (DE). German.
Jack Botermans and Wim van Grinsven, De jaren '50, Uitgeverij Terra Lannoo BV, Warnsveld (NL) 2005 > A picturebook about the fifties in The Netherlands without any relevant information, but with four pages on shaving. Dutch.
Helen Bunkin and Randall Williams, Beards, beards, beards!, Green Street Press, Montgomery (AL, USA) 2000 > A book about the question why some men wear beards. English.
Giles Constable, Introduction to Apologia de barbis, in: Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis LXII, Brepols Academic Publishers, Turnhout (BE) 1985 > This excellent introduction by Constable, with a great bibliography, treats the meaning and practice of beards in history. See also Burchardus de Bellevaux above. English.
Wendy Cooper, Hair, sex society symbolism, Aldus Books Ltd., London (UK) 1971 > An exploration of the history, the facts and fictions, myths and mysteries of hair. English.
Richard Corson, Fashions in hair: the first five thousand years, Peter Owen Ltd. London (UK) and Hastings House, New York (NY, USA) 1965 > A history of fashions in hair. Reprinted several times. English.
A. Debay, Hygiene medicale des cheveux et de la barbe ..., J. Masson, Paris (FR) 1854 (third edition) > Hygiene for hair and beards, an overview of skin disorders and their treatments. Reprinted many times, for example 7th edition in 1885 published by E. Dentu, Paris. French.
Jacques-Antoine Dulaure, Pogonologie, ou histoire philosophique de la barbe, Le Jay, Paris (FR) 1786 > A "philosophical history" of the beard. French. Also in English as "Pogonologia, or a philosophical and historical essay on beards", T. Cadell, London (UK) 1786.
Leslie Dunkling and John Foley, The Guinness book of beards and moustaches, Guinness Publishing Ltd., Middlesex (UK) 1990 > About beards and moustaches. English.
Augustin Fangé, Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de la barbe de l'homme, Liège (BE) 1774 > History of the beard. One of the best books on the subject of its time. Translated and adapted many times in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, usually not resulting in books of equal importance. French.
Andrea Fink (ed.), Wella Museum, Wella AG, Darmstadt (DE) and Edition Braus im Wachter Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg (DE) 2003 > A catalogue published on the occasion of the opening of the new Wella Museum at Darmstadt, with a chapter on shaving by Frank Gnegel. German/English.
Gilbert A. Foan, The art & craft of hairdressing, New Era Publishing, London (UK) 1931 > An impressive manual for barbers with much history, reprinted several times until 1963. English.
Frank Gnegel, Bart Ab, DuMont, Köln (DE) 1995 > The best book on the history of shaving and razors so far. Many photographs and a great reference to other literature. German.
Sholom Y. Gross, The beard in Jewish law, Institute for the publication of Jewish books and material, New York (NY, USA) 1980 > About the beard and about shaving in Jewish law. English.
Marvin Grosswirth, The art of growing a beard, Jarrow Press Inc., New York (NY, USA) 1971 > About beards. English.
Hanne Hagenaars and Dominique Vos de Wael (ed.), Help een haar!, in: Talking to you, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen / NAi Uitgevers, Rotterdam (NL) 2001 > A collection of articles about the cultural meaning of hair. Dutch.
Homo Sum (pseud.), The science of shaving, W. Heffer & Sons Ltd., Cambridge (UK) 1931 > Anecdotal tales of shaving. Charles de Zemler (see below) mentions a book with the same author and title, but published at Oxford in 1727. This book is not a reprint. English.
Homo Sum (pseud.), Yge Foppema, H. Schuyt (ill.), Het mes op de keel, Schuyt, Alkmaar (NL) 1932 > The Dutch version of the previous book, with the subtitle "Humorously illustrated prose on shaving brush and razor". Dutch.
Mic Hunter, The American barbershop, a closer look at a disappearing place, Face to face books, Mount Horeb (WI, USA), 1996 > Many beautiful b/w photographs of American barbershops. Excellent appendix with references and "additional readings". English.
Walter Konrad and Heinrich A. Popp, Lieben Sie Bart?, Walter Konrad, Himmelsthür (DE) / Verlag Gebr. Gerstenberg KG, Hildesheim (DE) 1965 > An uncommented collection of quotes and short stories on shaving with the title "Do you like beard?". Includes the first mention of Perret's safety razor in Mercure de France of 1762. German.
Gabriella Lamantia, Barbe & moustaches, Gentleman Editeur, Paris (FR) 1990 > One of many anecdotal books on beards and moustaches. French.
Roger Lax and Maria Carvainis, Moustache, Quick Fox, New York (NY, USA) 1979 > Everything about moustaches. English.
C. Henri Leonard, The hair: its growth, care, diseases and treatment, published by he author, Detroit (MI, USA) 1880 > The book includes chapters on the history of hairstyles, of the beard and of barbering. English.
Valentin C. Müller, Kulturgeschichte des Friseurhandwerks, Berlin (DE) 1934 > A historical overview of the relation between fashion and barbering. German.
Saul M. Olyan, What do shaving rites accomplish and what do they signal in biblical ritual contexts?, in: Journal of Biblical Literature (USA) vol. 117/4, 1998 > See title. English.
Alan Peterkin, One thousand beards, Arsenal Pulp Press, Vancouver (CA) 2002 > A cultural history of facial hair. English.
Dr. Phillippe, Histoire philosophique, politique et religieuse de la barbe, Chez Martinon, Paris (FR) 1845 > A book on the history of the beard by the director of the hospital of Reims (France). Mr. Phillippe was accused of plagiarism. French.
Wallace G. Pinfold, A closer shave, man's daily search for perfection, Artisan, New York (NY, USA) 1999 > A nice little book about shaving with many pictures. English. German and Dutch translations by Könemann, Köln (DE) 2000.
George Price, Ancient and modern beards, in: Friends Quarterly Examiner, (CA?) 1893 > Pamphlet from the Friends' Quarterly Examiner for Tenth Month. On the history of facial hair with descriptions of the curious and odd.
Richard Wright Proctor, The barber's shop, Thomas Dinham, Manchester (UK) 1856 > The memories of a barber from Manchester with much history. Second edition by Abel Heywood and Sons, Manchester (UK) 1883. English.
Reginald Reynolds, Beards, Doubleday & Co. Inc., New York (NY, USA) 1949 > About beards. Also published as "Beards - An omnium gatherum" by George Allan & Unwin, London (UK) 1950. First paperback printing in 1976 by Harcourt, New York (NY, USA) 1976. English.
Dwight E. Robinson, Fashions in shaving and trimming of the beard: the men of the Illustrated London News, 1842-1972, in: American Journal of Sociology (USA), Vol. 81, no 5, March 1976 > A simple but nice research based on photographs in a magazin. English.
Frank Rowsome Jr., A verse by the side of the road, Plume/Penguin, New York (NY, USA) 1990 > The story of the Burma-Shave signs, jingles and 600 roadside rhymes between 1927 and 1963. This is a reprint of the same title, first published by Stephen Greene Press in 1965 (see also Vossler, Bill). English.
Karl Gottlob Schelle, Geschichte des männlichen Barts unter allen Völkern der Erde bis auf die neueste Zeit, In der Weygandschen Buchhandlung, Leipzig (DE) 1797 > History of the beard, translated and adapted from Augustin Fangé's Mémoires pour servir (...). Reprinted in facsimile by Harenberg, Dortmund (DE) 1983, with an epilogue by Ingeborg Kappler. German.
Anon., Barbieren, frisieren, kurieren, vom Bartscherer zum Haarkünstler, Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum, Schleswig (DE) 1988 > Guide for an exhibition of hairdresser's and barber's tools. German.
Sue Seddon (ed.), The complete man, Ward Lock Ltd., London (UK) 1987 > A book about hair, face and style of the man in 1987. Pages 54-65 are about shaving. English.
Victoria Sherrow, For appearance' sake, Oryx Press, Westport (CT, USA) 2001 > A historical encyclopedia of good looks, beauty and grooming. English.
Vince Staten, Do bald men get halfprice haircuts, Simon & Schuster, New York (NY, USA) 2001 > About American barbershops. English.
Helmut Strutzmann, Der Bart - Die individuelle Note des Mannes, Falken-Verlag, Niedernhausen (DE) 1985 > The history of the beard. German.
Edwin Valentine Mitchell, Concerning beards, Dodd, Mead & Co., New York (NY, USA) 1930. > Essays about beards and the history of beards. English.
Bill Vossler, Burma-Shave, The rhymes, the signs, the times, North Star Press of St. Cloud, St. Cloud (MN, USA) 1997 > About the famous roadside rhymes of Burma-Shave (see also Rowsome, Frank). English.
Joachim Wachtel, Das Buch vom Bart, Heyne Verlag, München (DE) 1981 > A book about the beard, funny but also providing a lot of information. German.
Sidney Young (ed.), The annals of the barber-surgeons in London, compiled from their records and other sources, Blades, East & Blades, London (UK) 1890. > An informative book about the history of barber-surgeons in Great Britain. English.
Charles de Zemler, Once over lightly, De Zemler New York (NY, USA) 1939 > An anecdotal tale of barbering with many illustrations of male hair and beard styles and a nice bibliography. De Zemler, a barber in Radio City, New York, displayed a great collection of rare barbers' tools, instruments and paintings in his shops. English.

Barber's manuals
Associated Master Barbers of America, Standardized barbers' manual, Associated Master Barbers of America, Chicago (IL, USA) 1928 > A barbers' manual, from 1931 published as Standardized textbook of barbering. English.
Associated Master Barbers of America, Standardized textbook of barbering, Associated Master Barbers of America, Chicago (IL, USA) 1931 > A barber's manual, first published in 1931 and reprinted many times (from 1973 as "Standardized textbook of barbering and styling" by AMBA, Charlotte, NC, USA). English.
Heinrich Berger, Die Hygiene in den Barbierstuben, C. Sallmann, Bazel (CH) and Leipzig (DE) 1896 > About hygiene in barbershops. German.
Carl Bruhns, Hygiene der Barbierstuben, in: T. Weyl, Handbuch der Hygiene, G. Fischer, Jena (DE) 1902 > About hygiene in barbershops. German.
T.J. Dillon (ed.), Textbook of practical and scientific barbering, The Journeymen Barbers, Hairdressers, Cosmetologists International Union of America, Indianapolis (IN, USA) 1947 > A barbers' manual. English.
John Elliott, Warranted and universally approved Chinese razors, publisher unknown, Sheffield (UK) 1844 > A four page flyer with instructions on how to shave, testimonials and the stamped wording on razors placed there for authenticity. English.
W.O. Flatt, Sharp razors and shears and the art of barbering, published by the author, Fort Worth (TX, USA) 1947 > A manual for sharpening razors and shears and haircutting. English.
Gilbert A. Foan, The art & craft of hairdressing, New Era Publishing, London (UK) 1931 > An impressive manual for barbers with much history. English.
National Educational Council, Standardized textbook of barbering and styling, National Educational Council / Hair International, Charlotte (NC, USA) 1984 > A barber's manual, first published as Standardized barbers' manual in 1928 by the Associated Master Barbers of America and reprinted many times. English.
J. Huis, Handboek voor het dames- en heerenkappersvak, NV Vereenigde Drukkerij Dico, Amsterdam (NL) 1943 > A manual for barbers, first published in June 1943 and reprinted sveral times. Dutch.
J. Huis, Handboek voor het dames- en herenkappersvak, NV Drukkerij Dico, Amsterdam-Zuid (NL) 1956 > A manual for barbers. This fourth edition of a book first published in June 1943 also has notes on some electric shavers, for example a Remington Super 60. Dutch.
W. Inte Onsman, J.B. Polman Tuin and J.F. Benkemper, Technisch handboek voor den heerenkapper, Nederlandsche barbiers- en kappersbond, Amsterdam (NL) 1910 > A manual for barbers. Dutch.
Benjamin Kingsbury, A treatise on razors (...), publisher unknown, London (UK) 1797 > This early manual on the use of, and care for straight razors by the personal barber of King George III of England has been in print for 40 years since its first edition in 1797. Later published by W. and E. Blackader, Kenwood and Cox, and J.S. Hodson at London (UK). Also published in a German translation by C.A. Wichmann with the title "Abhandlung von den Barbier-Messern (...)", published by Rein, Leipzig (DE) 1800. English and German editions.
Conrad Knöss and L. Rosz, Der Friseur, Heinrich Killinger Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Nordhausen am Harz (DE) 1936 > This is the first edition of a manual for barbers, hair-dyers, beauticians and wigmakers, reprinted several times until 1965. A few pages about shaving. German. Postwar editions by Conrad Knöss and Karl Olig.
Hugo Maguhn, Rasiermesser-Schärfmethoden, Klett, Berlin (DE) 1928 > A manual for sharpening straight-razors. German.
Arthur Bass Moler, The manual on barbering, hairdressing, manicuring, facial massage ..., Moler Colleges, ? (USA) 1906 > An early barber's manual, later (1911) published as "The barber's manual". English.
Arthur Bass Moler, The barber's manual, Moler Colleges, Chicago (IL, USA) 1911 > An early barber's manual, which has been reprinted many times since its first edition in 1911. English.
Ferdinand Müller, Das moderne Friseurgewerbe in Wort und Bild, Heinrich Killinger Verlagsbuchhandlung, Leipzig & Nordhausen (DE) 1913 > An illustrated manual for the modern hairdressing business. German.
Ferdinand Müller, Der moderne Friseur und Haarformer in Wort und Bild, Heinrich Killinger, Nordhausen am Harz (DE) ca. 1925 (no year) > An illustrated manual for the hairdressing business. German.
J.H. Savigny, Treatise on the use and management of a razor (...) (4th ed. with add. and alt.), T. Bensley, London (UK) 1786 > Practical directions on the use of razors. J.H. Savigny was a razor and surgical instrument maker. He is best known for his book on surgical instruments. English.
James Stewart, Plocacosmos, the whole art of hairdressing, publisher unknown (UK) 1782 > An early barber's manual. English.
S.C. Thorpe?, Practice and science of standard barbering, Milady Publishing Corp., New York (NY, USA) 1938 > A barber's manual, first published in 1938 and reprinted several times. English.
S.C. Thorpe, Modern textbook of barbering, Milady Publishing Corp. (USA) 1948, 1953, 1957 a.o. > A barber's manual, also published as "Practice and science of standard barbering". English.
L. Sherman Trusty, Barber science in a nutshell, Phillips Printing Co., Los Angeles (CA, USA) 1948 > A barber's manual. English.
L. Sherman Trusty, The art and science of barbering, published by the author, Los Angeles (CA, USA) 1956 > A barber's manual, reprinted many times by Wolfer Press, Los Angeles (CA, USA). English.
Anon., Fachlesebuch für Barbiere und Friseure, Verlagsbuchhandlung Julius Klinkhardt, Leipzig (DE) 1921 > Third edition of a German barber's manual, first published by Alfred Hahns Verlag (Leipzig, DE) in 1906. German.
Francis Wessby, Neue Englische, verbesserte Methoden im schleifen und abziehen der Messer, insbesondere der Rasirmesser, Verlag Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg / Leipzig (DE) 1833 > German translation of an English manual on sharpening and stropping straight razors. German.

Self shaving
Leo de Brouwer and Peter van Lierop, Gladde jongens, de kunst van het scheren, Uitgeverij Van Halewyck | Elmar, Leuven (BE) 2007 > An extensive manual for the use of straight razors. Dutch.
Editors of Esquire magazine, The Esquire guide to good grooming for men, Grosset & Dunlap Publishers, New York (NY, USA) 1971 > A guide to grooming with a chapter about shaving. English.
Michael Flocker, The metrosexual guide to style, a handbook for the modern man, Da Capo Press, Cambridge (MA, USA) 2003 > A guide to style with one page on shaving the face and about three on other body hair. English.
Michael Ham, Leisureguy's guide to gourmet shaving, Lulu.com, 2007 > A beginner's guide to traditional shaving. English.
Anders Larsen, Sharp practice, the real man's guide to shaving, Transworld Publishers, London (UK) 2006 (Bantam Press edition) and 2007 (Corgi edition) > A guide to shaving with notes on the history of shaving. English. Bantam Press edition and Corgi edition.
Legrand, Rasirspiegel, oder die Kunst, Sich Selbst zu rasiren (...), publisher unknown, Weimar (DE) 1846 > An early manual for self-shaving. First published in French; this is a German translation by Leopold Reinig.
Jean-Jacques Perret, La pogonotomie, ou l'art d'apprendre à se raser soi-même (...), Chez Dufour, Paris (FR) 1769 > This is THE classic book on self-shaving with a design of what is considered to be the first safety razor. Perret lived 1730-1784. French. Second edition at Yverdon 1770.
Jean-Jacques Perret, La pogonotomia, ovvero l'arte dimparare a radersi da se, Edizione Il Polifilo, Milano (IT) 1997 > Perret's book translated into Italian by Edda Chiodini Lorenzi (see also Lorenzi's). Italian.
A. and Th. Plawern, Das Selbstrasieren, Seine Technik und Hygiene, ein Leitfaden, Dresden (DE) 1920 > A manual for self-shaving. German.
Rudolf Schönwandt, Die moderne Trockenrasur, Technik - Tatsachen - Tips, La nouvelle Librairie / Nathan International, München (DE) 1983 > A manual for self-shaving, written on the authority of Braun. German.
Sue Seddon (ed.), The complete man, Ward Lock Ltd., London (UK) 1987 > A book about hair, face and style of the man in 1987. Pages 54-65 are about shaving. English.
Anon., The SharpMan's grooming survival guide, SharpMan Press, Los Angeles (CA, USA) 2002 > Looking at your best at home and on the go. English.
Anon., The young SharpMan's guide to grooming, SharpMan Press, Los Angeles (CA, USA) 2002 > A how-to book for SharpMen ages 13 & up. English.
David Waters, Grooming essentials for men, Carlton Books Ltd., London (UK) 1999 > How to make yourself irresistible. English hardcover and paperback (2002) versions. German edition by Bechtermünz - Weltbild Verlag GmbH, Augsburg (DE) 2001.
Myriam Zaoui and Eric Malka, The art of shaving, Clarkson N. Potter, New York (NY, USA) 2002 > How to avoid nicks and cuts, ingrown hairs, early five-o’clock shadow, irritation, a red neck and razor burn. The authors are not exactly fond of electric shaving. English.
Jonathan Zizmor and Sharon Sabin, The complete guide to grooming products for men, Seaview/Putnam Publishers, New York (NY USA) 1983 > A extensive manual for grooming, with a chapter about shaving. English.

Anon., Barbershop collectibles and price guide, L-W Book Sales, Gas City (IN, USA) 1996 > A collection of reprints from old illustrated catalogs of barber supplies. English.
Robert A. Doyle, Straight razor collecting, Collector Books, Paducah (KY, USA) 1980 > An illustrated history of straight razors. English.
Gail Durbin, Wig, hairdressing and shaving bygones, Shire Album 117, Shire Publications Ltd., Buckinghamshire (UK) 1984 > A booklet about shaving and hairdressing collectibles. Photographs of Siemens, Philishave and Rolls Razor electric shavers on pages 19-20. English.
Keith E. Estep, The shaving mug and barber bottle book, Schiffer Books, Atglen (PA, USA) 1995 > A book on the history of shaving mugs with a value guide and tips for collectors. English.
Keith E. Estep, The best of shaving mugs, Schiffer Publishing, Atglen (PA, USA) 2001 > Many shaving mugs, more than 1,000 color photographs and a price guide. English.
Soraya Feder, Devine beauty, the art of collectibles, L'Aventurine, Paris (FR) 2001 > A book about collecting with chapters on barber's and shaving utensils. English.
Dorothy Hammond, Moustache cups, history and marks, Wallace Homestead Book Company, Des Moines (IA USA) 1972 > A profusely illustrated book about cups to avoid contact between your moustache and your drink. English.
Amy van Hoosier (ed.), Safety Razors, a price guide, L-W Book Sales, Gas City (IN, USA) 1995 > This book (photographs and price guide only) is about safety razors, and it also contains photographs of some rather seldom found electric safety razors. English.
Christian R. Jones, Barbershop history & antiques, Schiffer Publishing Ltd., Atglen (PA, USA) 1999 > About 500 colorpictures of barbershop collectibles with a priceguide and a nice explanation. Includes early electric clippers. English.
Jerry and Elaine Heuring, Collectors guide to E.C. Simmons Keen Kutter cutlery tools, Collector Books, Paducah (KY, USA) 1999 > Identification and values of Keen Kutter's cutlery and tools for work, home and garden, including razors. English.
Phillip L. Krumholz, Value guide for barberiana and shaving collectibles, AdLibs Publishing, Bartonville (IL, USA) 1988 > A selection of collectibles with a price guide. A few electric shavers on pages 97-100. Some electric safetyrazors in the rest of the book. English.
Phillip L. Krumholz, Collector's guide to American razor blades, published by the author, Bartonville (IL, USA) 1995 > Pictures and descriptions of more than 1,500 razor blades, including blades for the early Collins' wind-up rotary safety razor, Vestpok's mini-lawnmower and Vibro-Shave's electric safety razor. English.
Phillip L. Krumholz, Getting to know your straight razors, published by the author, Bartonville (IL, USA) 1999 > A guide to straight razors. English.
John Layburn, A nick in time, identification and values, Crown Castleton Publishers, Golden Square (AU) 1995 > About barberiana, with a value guide. English.
Chris A. Machmer, Occupational shaving mugs of American interest, The Greenhut Group, Annville (PA, USA) 1991 > Auction catalog with about 140 shaving mugs. English.
Robert Mayes, Two in one, knife and razor book, published by the author, Middlesboro (KY, USA) 1970 > The first edition is a list of razor manufacturers only. Later editions (some with the title "Knife album") have also a collection of reprints of sales catalogues. English.
Robert Mayes, Price guide to Knife Album, published by the author, Middlesboro (KY, USA) 1976 > This is a price guide which refers to the "Knife Album" of the same author. English.
Sylvie Michon, L'âme des rasoirs, in: Aladin, le magazin des chineurs, no 200, (FR) Feb. 2005 > An article on shaving in a French magazine for collectors with information from Razorland. French.
Andrea DiNoto (ed.), The encyclopedia of collectibles, Time-Life Books, Chicago (IL, USA) 1980 > In this edition of the encyclopedia (Radios - Signs) 11 pages with shaving mugs (including two pages with razors). English.
Enrique Orschanski, Hojas de afeitar Argentinas, Guía para coleccionistas, published by the author, Córdoba (AR) 2005 > A book with photographs and information on 170 Argentinian razor blade brands. Spanish.
Robert Blake Powell, Antique shaving mugs of the United States, published by the author, Hurst (TX, USA) 1972 > About shaving mugs. English.
Robert Blake Powell, Occupational and fraternal shaving mugs of the United States, published by the author, Hurst (TX, USA) 1978 > About shaving mugs. English.
Roy Ritchie & Ron Stewart, Standard Guide to Razors, Collector Books, Paducah (KY, USA) 1995 > A short history of shaving and a price guide to straight razors; more than thousand manufacturers listed. English.
Roy Ritchie & Ron Stewart, Standard Guide to Razors, Collector Books, Paducah (KY, USA) 1999 > Second extended edition. English.
Jim Sargent, American premium guide to pocket knives & razors, 5th edition, Krause Publications, Iola (WI, USA) 1999 > A guide to pocket knives and razors; as far as razors are concerned limited to the Case-brand. Editions 1 - 4 published by Books Americana, Florence (Alabama USA) 1986, 1989, 1992 and 1995. English.
Bill Schroeder, 1000 Razors priced and illustrated, Schroeders, Paducah (KY, USA) 1970 > About 1.000 straight razors described, with simple illustrations. English.
Nigel Sharpe, The incomplete Wardonia razors and blades collectors handbook, published by the author, (UK) 200x > A book about collecting Wardonia razors. English.
Thorsten Sjölin, Shaving: a short history and hints on collecting, Samlaförbundet Nordstjärnan, Stockholm (SE) 1983 > The title tells what this booklet (36 pages) is about. The Swedish title is "Rakning: en kort historik med tips om hur man kan samla". Swedish/English.
Robert K. Waits, Safety razor reference guide, Tanroe Company (USA) 1990 > A safety razor reference guide. English.
Robert K. Waits, Safety razor reference guide first supplement, J.IV.IX Publications (USA) 1992 > A 90 page addition on the first volume, with special sections on Kampfe's Star razor and on AutoStrop razors. English.
Robert K. Waits, A safety razor compendium, J.IV.IX Publications, Sunnyvale (CA, USA) 2005 > A cd-rom with 587 pdf-pages information on safety razors. English.
W. Porter Ware, Occupational shaving mugs, Lightner Publishing Corp., Chicago (IL, USA) 1949 > An illustrated pricelist of occupational and society emblems shaving mugs. English.

Women & body hair
Russell B. Adams, King C. Gillette, Little, Brown and Company, Boston (MA, USA) 1978 > A history of Gillette, including the introduction of razors for women. English.
Susan A. Basow, The hairless ideal, in: Psychology of Women Quarterly (USA) March 1991 > Why women actually remove their leg and underarm hair. English.
Susan A. Basow and Amie C. Braman, Women and body hair, in: Psychology of Women Quarterly (USA) December 1998 > Social perceptions of and attitudes towards women with or without body hair. English.
Wendy Cooper, Hair, sex society symbolism, Aldus Books Ltd., London (UK) 1971 > An exploration of the history, the facts and fictions, myths and mysteries of hair. English.
Fenja Gunn, The artificial face, a history of cosmetics, Hippocrene Books, New York (NY, USA) 1973 > A history of cosmetics. English. Hardback and paperback editions.
Christine Hope, Caucasian female body hair and American culture, in: Journal of American Culture (USA) 1982 > A study on the development of the norm for white women in the USA to remove body hair. English.
Franco Lorenzi, Rasoi e lame, barbe e baffi, Silvana Editoriale, Milano (IT) 2003 > An illustrated history of razors and shaving based on the Lorenzi family collection with a chapter on razors for ladies (rasoi per signora). Italian.
Marika Tiggemann and Sarah J. Kenyon, The hairlessness norm, in: Sex Roles, a journal of research (USA) December 1998 > This study aims to investigate the frequency and meaning of the removal of body hair by women. English.
Marika Tiggemann and Christine Lewis, Attitudes towards women's body hair, in: Psychology of Women Quarterly (USA) December 2004 > A further investigation of the "hairlessness" norm that is the common practice of body hair removal among women. English.
Merran Toerien a.o., Body hair removal, the 'mundane' production of normative femininity, in: Sex Roles, a journal of research (USA) March 2005 > This study aims to extend the previous research on everyday hair removal. English.

Bakelite & other plastics
Marjan Boot a.o., De eerste plastic eeuw, kunststoffen in het dagelijks leven, Haags Gemeentemuseum, Den Haag (NL) 1981 > A history of plastics. Photograph of one of the first Schick shavers on page 13. Dutch.
Patrick Cook and Catherine Slessor, Bakelite, Chartwell Books Inc., Secaucus (NJ, USA) / Quintet Publishing Ltd., London (UK) 1992 > A guide to collecting bakelite with photographs of Braun, Thorens and Wilkinson Sword shavers. English.
Günther Erdmann (ed.), Dynamic plastics - vom Bakelite zum High-Plast, Kunststoff-Museums-Verein, Frankfurt (DE) 1989 > A book on plastics. Photographs of several shavers. German with English translation.
Pieke Hooghoff, Plastics in het huishouden, Europese Bibliotheek, Zaltbommel (NL) 2001 > About plastic housewares, including Philishave and Oster clippers. Dutch.
Sylvia Katz, Classic Plastics, Thames and Hudson, London (UK) 1984 > A book on plastics with photographs of Braun and Remington shavers. English.
R.J. Kras a.o., Bakeliet, techniek, vormgeving en gebruik, Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen, Rotterdam (NL) 1981 > A book on bakelite with photographs of several shavers. Dutch with English summary.
Rob Perrée (ed.), Bakelite, Cadre/Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon NV, Amsterdam/Ghent (NL/BE) 1996 > A book on bakelite based on the Dutch Becht-collection. Photographs of several shavers on pages 104-105. English.
Brigitte Schmutzler (ed.), Bakelit, ein Werkstoff mit Zukunft, Landesmuseum Koblenz, Koblenz (DE) 1993 > Catalogue of an exhibition with the same name. Photograph of a safetyrazor set and a Philishave. German.
Richard Schoevaart, Een wereld van bakeliet, Dongha Museum, Dongen (NL) 2004 > Catalogue of an exhibition with the same name. A short history of plastics. Dutch.

Consumer reports
Anon., Three electric shavers, one works, in: Consumers Union Reports (USA) Oct. 1936 > Schick model S, Packard Lifetime Lektro Shaver and Hanley Clipshave tested. English. The Consumers Union was established in 1936, so this is the first of the 32 reports on shavers that the Consumers Union published between 1936 and 2002.
Anon., Electric Shavers, in: Consumers' Digest (USA) Dec. 1937 > Seven electric shavers tested, including Schick model S and Nicholl Velvet. In the same issue is a test of safety razors (pages 27-28). English.
Anon., Ten electric shavers, in: Consumers Union Reports (USA) Dec. 1937 > Ten electric shavers tested, three of them acceptable. English.
Anon., Electric shavers, in: Consumer Reports (USA) Nov. 1946 > Seven electric shavers tested, six of them acceptable. English.
Anon., Le rasoir électrique peut devenir autonome, in: Science et Vie (FR) Feb. 1950 > Three electric shavers (Calor, Philips, Schick) and electric shaving in general reviewed. French.
Anon., Once Over, in: Consumer Reports (USA) Nov. 1950 > Three electric shavers tested. English.
Anon., Electric shavers, in: Consumer Reports (USA) Nov. 1952 > Ten electric shavers tested. English.
Anon., Electric shavers, in: Consumer Reports (USA) Nov. 1953 > Twelve electric shavers tested. English.
Anon., Le dictionnaire des rasoirs électriques, in: Science et Vie (FR) Feb. 1955 > Four shaving-systems and 17 electric shavers reviewed. French.
Anon., Electric Shavers, in: Consumer Reports (USA) Nov. 1955 > Eight electric shavers tested. English.
Anon., Electric shavers, in: Consumer Reports (USA) June 1959 > Eight electric shavers tested. English.
Anon., Le chargeur à ruban, in: Science et Vie (FR) May 1967 > About the new band safety razors by Gillette (Techmatic) and Schick. French.
Anon., Elektrische scheerapparaten, in: Consumentengids (NL) April 1968 > 11 Shavers tested. Dutch.
Everett H. Ortner, What we learned about electric shavers, in: Popular Science (USA) July 1969 > 10 Shavers tested. English.
Doug Garr, Guide to the new electric shavers, in: Popular Science (USA) Dec. 1973 > 14 Shavers tested. English.
Anon., Ten strijde tegen de baard, in: Testaankoop (BE) Jan. 1973 > 15 Shavers tested. Dutch.
Anon., Scheerapparaten, in Consumentengids (NL) Feb. 1975 > 16 Shavers tested. Dutch.
Anon., Scheerapparaten, Stichting VWO (NL) July 1980 > 9 Shavers tested in the same test as for the Dutch Consumentengids. Dutch.
Anon., Elektrische scheerapparaten niet slecht, maar een mesje scheert gladder, in: Consumentengids (NL) July 1980 > 9 Shavers tested and a comparison with safety-razors. Dutch.
Anon., Natgeschoren gezicht toch gladder, in: Consumentengids (NL) March 1994 > 19 Shavers tested and a comparison with safety-razors. Dutch.
Anon., Let's make things wetter, in: Consumentengids (NL) July 1998 > Philishave Cool Skin (= Norelco Advantage) tested. Dutch.
Anon., Scheerapparaten, Braun of Philips?, in: Consumentengids (NL) December 2003 > 12 Shavers tested and a comparison with Gillette Mach 3 Turbo. Dutch.
Anon., Glad zonder pijn, ladyshaves en epilators, in: Consumentengids (NL) May 2005 > 12 Ladyshaves and epilators tested. Dutch.
Anon., Blijvend glad, in: Consumentengids (NL) June 2005 > 24 Depilatory products tested (no shavers). Dutch.

Tillman Buddensieg et al, Industriekultur: Peter Behrens und die AEG, Gebr. Mann, Berlin (DE) 1993 > The history of AEG. This is the 4th edition of a book first published in 1979. German.
Kerstin Lange and Lieselotte Kugler (ed.), Die AEG im Bild, Nicolai, Berlin (DE) 2000 > A book with 240 prints from AEG's library of glass-negatives from the period between 1898 und 1929. German.
Andreas Ortmann, AEG Geräte, in: Trödler (DE) nrs. 197 and 198, April and May 1996 > A history of AEG and its products in a German magazine for collectors (pages 24-31 and 182-191). No shavers mentioned. German.
Peter Strunk, Die AEG, Aufstieg und Niedergang einer Industrielegende, Nicolai, Berlin (DE) 1999 > The rise and fall of AEG, an economic history of the company. German.
Astrid Zipfel, Public Relations in der Elektroindustrie - Die Firmen Siemens und AEG 1847 bis 1939, Böhlau Verlag, Köln (DE) 1997 > Public relations in the German electronics industry. A case study on the AEG and Siemens companies in the period of 1847 till 1939. German.

Bang & Olufsen
Jens Bang, Bang & Olufsen - From Vision to Legend, B&O/Vidsyn 1. edition, Struer (DK) 2000 > The ultimate book on the history of Bang & Olufsen, written by Peter Bang's son Jens Bang, product planning manager with the B&O company until 1990. Danish and English editions.
Jens Bang and Jørgen Palshøj, Bang & Olufsen - Vision and Legend, Danish Design Centre, Copenhagen (DK) 2000 > Catalogue for the exhibition with the same name on the occasion of B&O's 75th anniversary. Danish with English translation.
Anon., Bang & Olufsen, B&O, Struer (DK) 1983 > A booklet with information about the history and philosophy of the company. No shavers mentioned. English.
W.L. Vindeløv, Barbering uden Sæbe, Vand og Spejl med B&O Shaveren, in: Beonyt, B&O, Struer (DK) March 1947 > Introduction of B&O Shaver Sh.4 in Beonyt, the newsmagazine of B&O. Danish.
Anon., B&O Langhaarsskæret - en lille Nyhed til Shaverkunderne, in: Beonyt, B&O, Struer (DK) Dec. 1948 > Introduction of a separate shaving head for long hairs and use of the shavers as ladyshavers. Page 18. Danish.
G. Terp, Den nye B&O Shaver: 6,2 Millioner Barberoperationer pr. Minut, in: Beonyt, B&O, Struer (DK) Dec. 1949 > Introduction of B&O Shaver Sh.7U. Danish.
G. Terp, B&O Shaver Sh.8U ...endnu kortere Barbertid, in: Beonyt, B&O, Struer (DK) Dec. 1952 > Introduction of B&O Shaver Sh.8U. Danish.
G. Terp, Dagen begynder med en B&O Barbering, in: Beonyt, B&O, Struer (DK) Dec. 1954 > Introduction of B&O Shaver Sh 510. Danish.
Jens Bernsen, Design: the problem comes first, Danish Design Council, København (DK) 1986 > A book about contemporary Danish design products. Photographs and descriptions of the Beogram 8000 record player and the Beocenter 7002 hifi-set. No shavers mentioned. Danish and English/French editions.
Thomas Bloch Ravn, Den nye store radiogud - B&O og den vide verden, Struer Museums Venner, Struer (DK) 1992 > The radio cult in retrospect, the fairy-tale of Bang & Olufsen: a history of the B&O company and the introduction of the radio in Denmark. Danish. There are English (1997) and Dutch (1998) editions as well. Also to be found on the website of the Struer Museum in Danish, English and German editions.
Andreas Ortmann, Bang & Olufsen: Design & Technik, in: Trödler (DE) no 211, June 1997 > A history of B&O's products in a German magazine for collectors (pages 40-45). No shavers mentioned. German.
Cavan Scott, The art of seduction, in: T3 (UK) no 46, May 2000 > An article about B&O's technology and design policy in "gadgetmad" T3 magazine. English.

Bergmann Borsig / Bebosher
Georg C. Bertsch and Ernst Hedler, SED Schönes Einheits Design, Taschen, Köln (DE) 1990 > A book on East German design. One line about the sound of a BB shaver on page 7. German/English/French.
Heinz Hirdina, Gestalten für die Serie, VEB Verlag der Kunst, Dresden (GDR) 1988 > A book on the history and practice of East German industrial design. Bebo Sher shaver on page 187. German.
Günter Höhne, Penti, Erika und Bebo Sher, Klassiker des DDR-designs, Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf Verlag GmbH, Berlin (DE) 2001 > A book on East German industrial design. BB and Bebo Sher's shaver range on pages 142-144. German.
Günter Höhne, DDR Design, Komet Verlag GmbH, Köln (DE) 2006 > A book on East German design. Shavers on pages 116-119. German.
Günter Höhne, DDR-Design, das große Lexikon, Komet Verlag GmbH, Köln (DE) 2008 > An encyclopedia on East German design and designers. Bebo Sher on pages 37-38. German.
Chris Reinewald, Oostduits design nog steeds principieel, in: Items (NL) no 5/6, 1993 > Article about design during the change of the economic system in former East Germany. Photograph and some remarks of Bebo Sher type 18.1, designed by Brigitte Pietsch. Dutch.
Frank Weber, Die Rettung einer Ostmarke, essay in: Rudolf Stegers (ed.), Neue Länder, neue Wege, Produkt und Design einer Wirtschaftsregion im Wandel, Design Zentrum Berlin / Ernst & Sohn, Berlin (DE) 1993 > The history of Bergmann Borsig's shaver department during the change of the economic system in former East Germany. German.
Dieter Weidmann, DDR - Ostalgie, in: Trödler no 258, May 2001 > About East-German design. Photograph of a 1950's BB-shaver. German.

Rob Perrée (ed.), Bakelite, Cadre/Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon NV, Amsterdam/Ghent (NL/BE) 1996 > A book on bakelite based on the Dutch Becht-collection. Photograph of an early Belcut shaver on page 105. English.

Anon., Souvenir of Boots factory Nottingham, Boots, Nottingham (UK) 1934 > About Boots new D10 factory. English. There are many more articles on Boots D10 factory, designed by Sir Owen Williams, in architects' periodicals (see Boots own website www.boots-plc.com).
Rebecca Eliahoo, Cutting a dash, in: Design (UK) vol. 488 August 1989 > About Boots new range of carefully designed shavers in 1989. English.
Brian Marchant, Boots the Chemists of Nottingham, Reflections of a bygone age, Nottingham (UK) 1999 > A short history of Boots the Chemists and many old picture postcards. English.

Russell B. Adams, King C. Gillette, Little, Brown and Company, Boston (MA, USA) 1978 > A history of Gillette, including its subsidiary Braun. English.
Volker Albus, Reyer Kras and Jonathan Woodham (ed.), Icons of design - The 20th Century, Prestel, Munich (DE) London (UK) New York (NY, USA) 2000 > 83 Masterpieces of industrial design in the twentieth century, including the Braun Sixtant shaver. English and German editions.
Anon., Industrial Design Review 1996, Action Group, Milano (IT) 1996 > A design yearbook with a curriculum vitae of Dieter Rams and some Braun products, including the Braun Flex Integral shaver. English.
Stephen Bayley, In good shape, Design Council, London (UK) 1979 > Industrial design in the twentieth century. Photograph of Braun S50 on page 170. Biographies of Fritz Eichler, Hans Gugelot and Dieter Rams on pages 222, 223, and 229. English.
Bernhard Biener, Alltagskultur im Design-Museum, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung / Rhein-Main Zeitung 10-06-2005, Frankfurt (DE) 2005 > Article on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Braun design. German.
Artur Braun, Max Brauns Rasierer, Erinnerungen von Artur Braun, Jo Klatt Design+Design Verlag, Hamburg (DE) 1996, 2007 > Artur Braun's personal and endearing memories of the Braun company and the development of the Braun shaver. Republished in 2007 in a slightly different version. German.
Anon., The Braun program, Braun AG, Kronberg (DE) 1984 > An overview of Braun's products in 1984. Good photographs of Braun's then shaverprogram. German.
Anon., Ansichten zum Design, Braun AG, Kronberg (DE) 1988 > A collection of articles on Braun product design. Photographs of Braun SM3 Super (Sixtant) and Micron Vario 3 shavers. German.
Anon., Braun im Rückblick 1921-1987, Braun AG, Kronberg (DE) 1988 > The history of the Braun company 1921-1987. German.
Anon., Braun Aspekte, Braun AG, Kronberg (DE) 1995 > A booklet on Braun's company philosophy and products. Shavers on page 4-7. German/English.
Anon., Braun Brand Profile, Braun GmbH, Kronberg (DE) 2002 > A booklet on Braun's brand profile. English.
Anon., Braun Design, Braun GmbH, Kronberg (DE) 2002 > A booklet on Braun's design philosophy and practice. German and English versions.
Anon., Braun Design 50 Years, Braun GmbH, Kronberg (DE) 2005 > A booklet on Braun's design philosophy and practice. German and English versions.
Wilhelm Braun-Feldweg, Industriële vormgeving, Het Spectrum (Marka pocket), Utrecht (NL) 1969 > About industrial design. Photograph of Braun products on page 112+. Biography of Dieter Rams on page 100. Dutch.
Bernhard E. Bürdek, Design, DuMont Buchverlag Köln (DE) 1991 > A book on the history, theory and practice of product design. A short history of Braun (pages 49-52), with a photograph of Sixtant 8008 on page 51. German.
François Burkhardt and Inez Franksen, Design: Dieter Rams &, Gerhardt Verlag, Berlin (DE) 1980, 1981 > About Rams' design. Shavers on pages 163-166. German.
Mel Byars, On/Off, New Electronic Products, Universe Publishing, New York (NY, USA) 2001 > New electronic products and gadgets, including Braun's Synchro razor. English.
Patrick Cook and Catherine Slessor, Bakelite, Chartwell Books Inc., Secaucus (NJ, USA) / Quintet Publishing Ltd., London (UK) 1992 > A guide to collecting bakelite with photograph of Braun S50 on page 94. English.
Sergio Derks, Wil Nuijen, Paul Spierings and Peter de Weijer, Scheren, van klapmes tot Philishave, Philips Eindhoven/PVC, Zwolle (NL) 1996 > A short history of shaving (48 pages) from straight razor to Philishave. Published on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Dutch Philishave Verzamelaars Club (Philishave Collectors Club). A story on Braun on pages 26-29. Dutch, French and English editions.
Gillo Dorfles, Gute Industrieform und ihre Aesthetik, Verlag Moderne Industrie, München (DE) 1964 > About industrial design. Photograph of Braun SM3 Super (Sixtant). German.
Fritz Eichler, Eichler an Wagenfeld, in: form (DE), no 23, Sept. 1963 > An essay on the early days of Braun design (1955-1963). German.
Günther Erdmann (ed.), Dynamic plastics - vom Bakelite zum High-Plast, Kunststoff-Museums-Verein, Frankfurt (DE) 1989 > A book on plastics. Photograph of Braun S50. German with English translation.
Michael Erlhoff (ed.), Designed in Germany, Prestel Verlag, München (DE) 1990 > A history of West German design. Photographs of Braun SM3 Super (Sixtant) and Braun Micron Vario 3. English and German editions.
Charlotte & Peter Fiell, Design van de 20e eeuw, Taschen, Köln (DE) 2000 > An encyclopedic overview of design of the 20th century with photographs of Braun SM3 Super and Braun Flex Integral. German, English, Dutch and probably other editions.
Charlotte & Peter Fiell, Industrial Design A-Z, Taschen, Köln (DE) 2000/2006 > An encyclopedic overview of industrial design of the 20th century with photographs of Braun S50, SM2, SM3 Super and Flex Integral. English and probably other editions.
Charlotte & Peter Fiell, Icons, Industrial Design A-Z, Taschen, Köln (DE) 2003 > A summary of Industrial Design A-Z with several Braun razors. English and probably other editions.
Volker Fischer (ed.), Design heute, Prestel Verlag, München (DE) 1988 > About contemporary design, a book on the occasion of an exhibition in the German Museum for Architecture at Frankfurt/Main with the same title. There is a chapter about Dieter Rams. German.
Heinz Fuchs and François Burkhardt, Produkt, Form, Geschichte, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin (DE) 1985 > 150 Years German design. Information on Braun design throughout the book, photographs of Braun shavers on pages 280 and 319. German.
Philippe Garner, Sixties design, Taschen, Köln (DE) 1996 > Design in the sixties. Photograph of Braun SM3 Super (Sixtant). English/German/French.
Marion Godau and Bernd Polster, Design directory Germany, Universe Publishing (Rizzoli), New York (NY, USA) 2000 > An encyclopedic overview of German design with photographs of Braun SM3 Super, 300 de Luxe and Micron Vario 3 shavers. English and German editions.
Raymond Guidot, Marie-Laure Jousset (ed.), Les bons génies de la vie domestique, Éditions du Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR) 2000 > An overview of the design of appliances in the (French) home. Photograph of Braun Micron Plus shaver. French.
F.H.K. Henrion and Alan Parkin, Design coordination and corporate image, Studio Vista, London (UK) and Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York (NY, USA) 1967 > 27 Examples of corporate identity, including Braun. Photograph of Braun SM2 shaver. English.
John Heskett, Industrial Design, Oxford University Press, New York (NY, USA) 1980 > History of industrial design with a short history of Braun. No shavers mentioned. English.
Cees de Jong a.o., The Image of a Company, Architecture Design and Technology Press, London (UK) 1990 > A manual for corporate identity with examples of, among others, Braun. English.
Guy Julier, The Thames and Hudson encyclopedia of 20th century design and designers, Thames and Hudson, London (UK) 1993 > Braun company mentioned on pages 41-42, Hans Gugelot on page 97, Dieter Rams on page 167. English.
Sylvia Katz, Classic Plastics, Thames and Hudson, London (UK) 1984 > A book on plastics with a photograph of a Braun Micron Plus shaver. English.
Jo Klatt and Günter Staeffler, Braun+Design Collection, Braun+Design, Hamburg (DE) 1990 > A catalog with nearly all Braun products and biographies of Braun designers. The shavers are on pages 178-193. Second improved edition in 1995. German.
R.J. Kras a.o., Bakeliet, techniek, vormgeving en gebruik, Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen, Rotterdam (NL) 1981 > A book on bakelite with a photograph of Braun S50. Dutch with English summary.
Hélène Larroche and Yan Tucny, L'objet industriel en question, Éditions du Regard, Paris (FR) 1985 > About industrial design. Photograph of Braun ladyshaver and other Braun products. French.
Herbert Lindinger, Hans Gugelot, in: form (DE) no 105, Jan. 1984 > About Hans Gugelot, one of the fathers of Braun design. Photograph of Braun SM3 Super (Sixtant). German. Dutch translation in "Items" (NL) no 14, 1984.
Paul Maenz, Die 50er Jahre, DuMont Buchverlag, Köln (DE) 1984 > About politics, art, fashion and design in the fifties. A few pages with Braun products. German.
Gordon McKibben, Cutting edge, Gillette's journey to global leadership, Harvard Business School Press, Boston (MA, USA) 1998 > A complete history of the Gillette company, including its subsidiary Braun. English.
Bernd Polster, Braun, 50 Jahre Produktinnovationen, DuMont, Köln (DE) 2005 > A new book on the history of Braun design, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Braun design. German.
Dieter Rams, Weniger aber besser, less but better, Jo Klatt Design+Design Verlag, Hamburg (DE) 1995 > An interim statement on the history of Braun by Rams himself. German/English.
Rudolf Schönwandt, German Design, neue Dimensionen für Form und Funktion, Harenberg Kommunikation, Dortmund (DE) 1990 > An overview of typical German design. Story on Braun Micron Vario 3. German.
Rudolf Schönwandt, Die moderne Trockenrasur, Technik - Tatsachen - Tips, La nouvelle Librairie / Nathan International, München (DE) 1983 > A manual for self-shaving, written on the authority of Braun. German.
Sue Seddon (ed.), The complete man, Ward Lock Ltd., London (UK) 1987 > A book about hair, face and style of the man in 1987. Photographs of several Braun shavers. English.
Gert Selle, Ideologie und Utopie des Design, Köln (DE) 1973 > Photograph of Braun SM3 Super (Sixtant). German. Also published in Spanish as Ideologia y utopia del diseño by Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona (ES) 1975.
Dieter Skerutsch (ed.), Donation Braun, Die Neue Sammlung, München (DE) 1985 > About Braun's products and design philosophy. A booklet on the occasion of the donation of a products collection to the museum Die Neue Sammlung. German.
Penny Sparke a.o., Design Source Book, Chartwell Books Inc., London (UK) 1986 > Photograph of Braun S50. English.
Günter Staeffler, Das Braun-Rasierer-Program, in: Der Braun-Sammler (DE) no 6 Dec. 1986 > An overview of the Braun shaver program in a German magazine for collectors of Braun products. German.
Günter Staeffler, Braun-Geräte, in: Trödler (DE) no 164 July 1993 > A short history of Braun design and products in a German magazine for collectors. No shavers. German.
Günter Staeffler a.o., Braun Trockenrasierer, in: Design+Design (DE) no 40 June 1997 > A special of Design+Design on Braun shavers. German/English.
Günter Staeffler, Braun Rasierer, Von 1970 bis heute, in: Design+Design (DE) no 53 Sept. 2000 > Article on Braun shavers from 1970-2000. German/English.
István Szénássy (ed.), Ontwerpen voor de industrie 1, Martinipers/Wolters Noordhoff, Groningen (NL) 1982 > A book on the industrial design process. Photograph of Braun Micron Plus. Dutch.
Michael Tambini, 100 Jaar design, Unieboek/Gaade Uitgevers, Houten (NL) 1997 > 100 Years design. Braun S50 shaver on page 102. This is the Dutch translation of the book The Look of the Century.
Marc Vlemmings, Merk zonder verhaal, in: Items (NL) 1 2006 > An interview with Braun's design director Peter Schneider on the occasion of 50 years Braun design, in a Dutch design magazine. Dutch.
Wolfgang Waitkus, Elektrische Rasierapparate, Vom Barthobel zum Scherfolienrasierer, in: Trödler (DE) no 211, June 1997 > A short history of electric shavers in a German magazine for collectors. Photograph of a seldom seen perspex demonstration model of a Braun S50. German.
Hans Wichmann, Made in Germany, Peter-Winkler-Verlag, München (DE) 1966 > An overview of essential postwar German industrial design, including Braun SM3 Super (Sixtant). German/English/French.
Hans Wichmann, System Design Bahnbrecher Hans Gugelot 1920-65, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel (CH) and Boston (MA, USA) 1984 - 1987 > About Hans Gugelot, one of the fathers of Braun design. Description and photograph of Braun SM3 Super (Sixtant). German.
Hans Wichmann, Industrial Design, Unikate, Serienerzeugnisse, Prestel Verlag, München (DE) 1985 > About Die Neue Sammlung, a museum for applied arts and industrial design in Munich, Germany. Photograph of Braun SM3 Super (Sixtant). German.
Hans Wichmann, Mut zum Aufbruch - Erwin Braun 1921-1992, Prestel Verlag, München (DE) and New York (NY, USA) 1998 > The biography of Erwin Braun, including a history of the Braun company until 1967. German.
Stefan Willeke and Henning Sußebach, Operation Lohndrücken, in: Die Zeit (DE) 10-03-2005 > Czech Republic, China, Sweden, Morocco, Ireland - why the whole world is used to manufacture a German shaver (Braun Activator). German.
Jonathan M. Woodham, A dictionary of modern design, Oxford University Press, Oxford (UK) and New York (NY, USA) 2004 > A dictionary of modern design, with Braun on page 57-58 and Rams on page 360-361. English.

Raymond Guidot, Marie-Laure Jousset (ed.), Les bons génies de la vie domestique, Éditions du Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR) 2000 > No Calor shavers, but a nice overview of the design of appliances in the (French) home, including products of the Calor company. French.
Guy Julier, The Thames and Hudson encyclopedia of 20th century design and designers, Thames and Hudson, London (UK) 1993 > Pierre Paulin, designer of some recent Calor shavers, mentioned on page 150. English.
Rob Perrée (ed.), Bakelite, Cadre/Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon NV, Amsterdam/Ghent (NL/BE) 1996 > A book on bakelite based on the Dutch Becht-collection. Photograph of an early Calor shaver on page 105. English.
Margo Rouard and Françoise Jollant Kneebone, Design Français 1960-1990 trois décennies, Éditions du Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR) 1988 > A book on French (industrial) design. Photograph of Calor travel razor and a biography of its designer Pierre Paulin on pages 244-245. French/English.
Jacques Rouaud, 60 Ans d'arts menagers, tome 2: 1948-1983, la consommation, Syros Alternatives, Paris (FR) 1993 > Part two (1948-1983) of the French housewares story. French.

Charkov & Charkiv
Hugh Aldersey-Williams, World design, Rizzoli, New York (NY, USA) 1992 > There is a chapter in this book about contemporary Russian design (pages 106-113). Photograph of shaver-prototypes on page 106. English.
Constantin Boym, New Russian Design, Rizzoli, New York (NY, USA) 1992 > Modern Russian design. A story on Charkiv designer Tatiana Samoilova on pages 108-113 with photographs of some shavers. English.
Anon., Consumer Goods - Katalog, Elektroapparatura, Kharkov (Ukraïne) 1991 > A catalog of Elektroapparatura's (= Charkov) and Elektrobritva's (= Charkiv) products. Russian/English.
A.P. Evstifejev a.o., Opyt razrabotki dizajn-programmy po elektrobritvam, in: Tehnitseskaja Estetika (USSR) Sept. 1982 > A design program for electric shavers. Photographs of several shavers and prototypes (pages 9-13). Russian.

Chilton, Buk & Kub
Günther Erdmann (ed.), Dynamic plastics - vom Bakelite zum High-Plast, Kunststoff-Museums-Verein, Frankfurt (DE) 1989 > A book on plastics with a photograph of a Chilton Aircraft hairclipper on page 76. German with English translation.

Klaus-Peter Huschka, Aus Katalog und Kaufhaus, in: Trödler (DE) no 217, Dec. 1997 > An article about cheap toys in a German magazine for collectors, with some history of Distler (pages 46-50). No shavers mentioned. German.
Phillip L. Krumholz, A history of shaving and razors, Ad Libs Publishing Co., Bartonville (IL, USA) 1987 > Distler mentioned on page 94. English.
Ludger Spielberg, Trödler & Sammlen Blechspielzeug (special), Gemi Verlags GmbH, Reichertshausen (DE) 1995 > A special of a German magazine for collectors about tin toys. Descriptions and photographs of two famous Distler toys: a street organ player and Porsche 356. German.

Akiko Busch et al, Product design, PBC International, Inc., New York (NY, USA) 1984 > A book on outstanding designs introduced in the early 1980's. Eltron razors (designed by Braun) on page 38. English.

Russell B. Adams, King C. Gillette, The man and his wonderful shaving device, Little, Brown and Company, Boston (MA, USA) 1978 > A history of Gillette and his company, including its subsidiary Braun. The book has an excellent bibliography for further reading. English.
Robert L. Avinger, Jr., Product durability and market structure: some evidence, in: The Journal of Industrial Economics (UK) June 1981 > Gillette's reaction to the introduction of Wilkinson Sword's stainless-steel blades in 1962. English.
George B. Baldwin, The invention of the modern safety razor: a case study of industrial innovation, in: Explorations in entrepreneurial history (USA) Dec. 1951 > A monograph based on King Gillette's and William Nickerson's memoirs which were published in "The Gillette Blade", the Gillette company's house organ in the beginning of the twentieth century (pages 73-102). English.
Ian Coster, The sharpest edge in the world, the story of the rise of a great industry, Gillette Industries Ltd., London (UK) 1948 > A history of the Gillette company in Great Britain until 1948. English.
Jay Doblin, One hundred great product designs, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York (NY, USA) 1970 > 100 Product designs, including Gillette's safety razor on page 22-23. English.
Tim Dowling, King Camp Gillette, Short Books, London (UK) 2001 > A biography of the inventor of the disposable culture (1855-1932). English.
Raoul Fauré and Henri Guillard, Histoire de la lame de rasoir, Imprimerie à l'Ecole, Cannes (FR) 1952 > A short history of shaving and the manufacture of razorblades published with the cooperation of Gillette France. Many photographs of the manufacture of Gillette blades. French.
Charlotte & Peter Fiell, Industrial Design A-Z, Taschen, Köln (DE) 2000/2006 > An encyclopedic overview of industrial design of the 20th century with photographs of several Gillette razors. English and probably other editions.
Anon., Gillette's 800,000,000 market, in: Fortune (USA), Vol. 1, April 1930 > A nice article about Gillette's position in 1930. English.
Anon., The Gillette Blade, Gillette Safety Razor Company, Boston (MA, USA) 1918-1930 > Gillette's house organ, published monthly 1918-1920 and quarterly 1921-1930. English.
Anon., Gillette News, the Gillette Company 1901-1976, Gillette Safety Razor Company, Boston (MA, USA) 1977 > A booklet on the occasion of Gillette's 75th anniversary, with many ads and photographs. English.
Walter Guzzardi Jr., Gillette faces the stainless-steel dragon, in: Fortune (USA), Vol. 68, July 1963 > A very informative article on Gillette's reaction to Wilkinson Sword's stainless-steel blade and Gillette's situation in general (in 1963). English.
Steven Heller and Louise Fili, British Modern, graphic design between the wars, Chronicle Books, San Francisco (CA, USA) 1998 > A book about British graphic design between 1920 and 1940. A Gillette counter display and several razorblade packagings on pages 96-97. English.
Gordon McKibben, Cutting edge, Gillette's journey to global leadership, Harvard Business School Press, Boston (MA, USA) 1998 > A complete history of the Gillette company, including its subsidiaries like Braun. English.
Phillip L. Krumholz, A history of shaving and razors, Ad Libs Publishing Co., Bartonville (IL, USA) 1987 > An encyclopedia on shaving. Gillette is on pages 120-125. English.
Phillip L. Krumholz, The complete Gillette collector's handbook, published by the author, Bartonville (IL, USA) 1992 > Everything about Gillette's products and history, including the Gillectric Dry Shaver and Gillette Kumpakt Dry Shaver on pages 372-376. English.
Monopolies and merger commission (M.S. Lipworth), The Gillette Company and Parker Pen Holdings Ltd., HMSO London (UK) 1993 > A report on the merger situation of the companies for the British Parliament with information on the Gillette company. English.
Monopolies and merger commission (M.S. Lipworth), Stora Kopparbergs Bergslags AB/Swedish Match NV, and Stora Kopparbergs Bergslags AB/The Gillette Company, HMSO London (UK) 1991 > A report on the merger situations for the British Parliament with a lot of information on the companies involved (Gillette and Wilkinson Sword) and on the British wet-shaving market in the 1980's. Also published as "Razors and razor blades". English.
Rita Ricardo-Campbell, Resisting hostile takeovers: the case of Gillette, Praeger Publishers, Westport (CT, USA) 1997 > A book on Gillette's successful fight against four hostile takeover efforts during the late 1980s, written by the first woman director of the Gillette company. English.
Richard Austin Smith, Gillette looks sharp again, in: Fortune (USA), Vol. 45, June 1952 > A very informative article about Gillette's position and strategies between 1938 and 1952. English.
J.P. Spang Jr., Look Sharp! Feel Sharp! Be Sharp!, The Newcomen Society, New York (NY, USA) 1951 > Text of an address delivered at the 1951 Massachusetts Dinner of the Newcomen Society on the occasion of Gillette's 50th anniversary by the president of Gillette. A short history of the company. English.
Bro Uttal, Gillette swings a mighty blade abroad, in: Fortune (USA) Vol. 90, Nov. 1974 > A story on Gillette's changing relation to its foreign subsidiaries, like Braun. English.
Alfred M. Zeien, The Gillette Company, The Newcomen Society, New York (NY, USA) 1999 > Text of an address delivered at the 1998 Massachusetts Meeting of the Newcomen Society by the Chairman of the Board and CEO of Gillette. The recent history of the company. English.

Hugh Aldersey-Williams, World design, Rizzoli, New York (NY, USA) 1992 > There is a chapter in this book about Philips design (pages 174-179). Photograph of two Grundig (for some time a Philips-subsidiary) shavers on page 176. English.
Anon., Prädikat Industrieform Hannover 1988, Die gute Industrieform Hannover e.V., Hannover (DE) 1988 > A catalog with selected exhibits of the Industrieform exhibition in 1988. 4 Grundig shavers on pages 528-531. German/English/French.

Anon., Rasez-vous a sec!, in: L'Illustration, Echos et nouveautés (FR) June 11, 1938 > Harab's dry shaver announced and described in a popular French magazine. French.
Anon., Rasoirs électriques, in: La Suisse industrielle et commerciale (CH) no 2, 1941 > Article in a Swiss trade journal with a few words on Harab. French.
Anon., Schweizerische Mustermesse 1939, in: Technische Rundschau (CH) no 11, 18-3-1939 > Harab's dry shaver announced in a Swiss technical magazine. German.

Günther Erdmann (ed.), Dynamic plastics - vom Bakelite zum High-Plast, Kunststoff-Museums-Verein, Frankfurt (DE) 1989 > A book on plastics with a photograph of a single head Kobler shaver on page 76. German with English translation.
Peter Erni, Die Gute Form, LIT Verlag Lars Müller, Baden (CH) 1983 > About design. Photographs of Kobler shavers on pages 24-25. German.
Victor Kobler, Mein Leben und meine Erfindungen, Selbstbiographie eines Pröblers, Eigenverlag, Zürich (CH) 1934 > Autobiography of Victor Kobler. German.
Anon., Rasoirs électriques, in: La Suisse industrielle et commerciale (CH) no 2, 1941 > Article in a Swiss trade journal with a few words on (and a picture of) the first Kobler. French.
Claude Lichtenstein, Unbekannt - Vertraut, Anonymes Design im Schweizer Gebrauchsgerät seit 1920, Schule und Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich (CH) 1987 > A history of anonymous Swiss design. History of Kobler with photographs of shavers on pages 167-178. German.
Anon., Le dictionnaire des rasoirs électriques, in: Science et Vie (FR) Feb. 1955 > Four shaving-systems and 17 electric shavers reviewed (pages 77-81), including Kobler. French.
Egidius Streiff, Formgebung in der schweizerischen Industrie, in: Werk (CH) no 5, May 1946 > Article on Swiss industrial design. Photographs of early Kobler shavers on page 144. German.

Rainer Groh, Sozialistisch rühren und mixen, in: Michael Andretzky (ed.), Vom Bauhaus bis Bitterfeld, 41 Jahre DDR-Design, Anabas Verlag Günter Kämpf KG, Giessen (DE) 1991 > No shavers mentioned, but a nice essay on another product of Komet's manufacturer VEB Elektrogerätewerk Sühl: kitchen machines (pages 121-123). German.
Günter Höhne, Penti, Erika und Bebo Sher, Klassiker des DDR-designs, Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf Verlag GmbH, Berlin (DE) 2001 > A book on East German industrial design. Komet shavers on page 145. German.
Günter Höhne, DDR Design, Komet Verlag GmbH, Köln (DE) 2006 > A book on East German design. Shavers on pages 116-119. German.
Günter Höhne, DDR-Design, das große Lexikon, Komet Verlag GmbH, Köln (DE) 2008 > An encyclopedia on East German design and designers. Komet on pages 77-79. German.
Siegfried Schütt, Wachstum, Wohlstand, Stabilität, Betriebsparteiorganisation der SED / Verlag Tribüne Berlin, Berlin (GDR) 1980 > The history of Kober & Co. and its continuation as VEB Elektrogerätewerk Suhl from a very communist viewpoint. Shavers on several pages. German.

Wolfgang Schmittel, Corporate design international, ABC Verlag, Zürich (CH) 1984 > A book on corporate identity by Braun's graphic designer Schmittel. Ad's for Krups model 80 and Krups Flexonic II depicted on page 25. English, German, French.

Günther Erdmann (ed.), Dynamic plastics - vom Bakelite zum High-Plast, Kunststoff-Museums-Verein, Frankfurt (DE) 1989 > A book on plastics with a photograph of the Matricia shaver on page 78. German with English translation.
R.J. Kras a.o., Bakeliet, techniek, vormgeving en gebruik, Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen, Rotterdam (NL) 1981 > A book on bakelite with a photograph of the Matricia shaver on page 93. Dutch with English summary.
Rob Perrée (ed.), Bakelite, Cadre/Snoeck-Ducaju & Zn. NV, Amsterdam/Ghent (NL/BE) 1996 > A book on bakelite based on the Dutch Becht-collection. Photograph of the Matricia shaver on page 104. English.

Matsushita, National & Panasonic
Design Zentrum Nordrein Westfalen, Design-Innovationen '91, Ernst & Sohn, Berlin (DE) 1991 > Catalog of the annual exhibition of new German and international design of the Design Centre of the German state Nordrein Westfalen. Panasonic's 1990 shaver line on page 92. German and English.
Rowland Gould, The Matsushita phenomenon, Diamond Sha, Tokyo (JP) 1970 > The amazing story of a man who made a fortune while making profit was not his goal. English.
Guy Julier, The Thames and Hudson encyclopedia of 20th century design and designers, Thames and Hudson, London (UK) 1993 > Matsushita mentioned on page 124. English.
Leonard Koren, Success stories, Chronicle Books, San Francisco (CA, USA) 1990 > How eleven of Japan's most interesting businesses came to be, including Matsushita. English.
Amos Landman, The wisdom of the many, the story of 25 years Matsushita Electric Corporation of America, Matsushita Electric Corp. of America, Secaucus (NJ, USA) 1984 > The history of Matsushita in the USA. English.
Konosuke Matsushita, Quest for prosperity, PHP Institute Inc., Tokyo (JP) 1988 > Autobiography of Konosuke Matsushita, founder and former CEO of Matsushita. English.
Matsushita, Matsushita Electric: National, Panasonic, Technics, Quasar, Matsushita Electric, Kadoma, Osaka (JP) 1978 > Overview of the company, its products, its overseas companies. English.
Anon., Catalog 1991, Matsushita Electric Works Ltd., Osaka (JP) 1991 > A catalog of National shavers 1991. Japanese.
Anon., Panasonic in its twenty-first year, Panasonic, Secaucus (NJ, USA) 1980 > The start and early days of Panasonic in the USA. English.
Chris Reinewald, Curved Shaver ..., in: Items (NL) no 2, 1993 > A short story about an apprenticeship of a Dutch designer with the Matsushita company, who designed a "curved shaver". The shaver was never produced. Photograph of a prototype (page 61). Dutch.
Toshihiko Yamashita, The Panasonic Way, Kodansha International / USA Ltd., Tokyo (JP) and New York (NY, USA) 1987/1989 > Former Matsushita CEO Yamashita's autobiography. English.
Hans Wichmann, Industrial Design, Unikate, Serienerzeugnisse, Prestel Verlag, München (DE) 1985 > About Die Neue Sammlung, a museum for applied arts and industrial design in Munich. Photograph of National ES 830C and National ES 551 on page 430. German.

Anon., Favourite lost causes, in: Design (UK), no 313, Jan. 1975 > Article about good design that never made it, like the Milward Courier shaver. English.
Gillo Dorfles, Gute Industrieform und ihre Aesthetik, Verlag Moderne Industrie, München (DE) 1964 > About industrial design. Photograph of Milward Courier shaver on page 64+. German.
Guy Julier, The Thames and Hudson encyclopedia of 20th century design and designers, Thames and Hudson, London (UK) 1993 > Kenneth Grange, designer of the Milward Courier shaver, mentioned on page 94, Grange's design studio Pentagram on page 152. English.
Fiona MacCarthy, British design since 1880, Lund Humphries, London (UK) 1982 > A history of British design. Photograph of Milward Courier on page 156. English.
Pentagram, Living by design, Lund Humphries, London (UK) / Whitney Library of Design, New York (NY, USA) 1978 > Designs by Pentagram. Photograph of Milward Courier on page 268. English.
Penny Sparke, Design directory Great Britain, Pavilion Books Ltd., London (UK) 2001 > An encyclopedic overview of British design with photograph of Milward Courier on page 285. English.
Richard Stewart, Design and British industry, John Murray Publishers Ltd., London (UK) 1987 > A history of industrial design in the UK in the 19th and 20th century. Photograph of Milward Courier on page 193. English.

M.V. Tsubarova, Elektrobritvy, problema vybora materialov, in: Tehnitseskaja Estetika (USSR) Sept. 1982 > About the choice of materials for the production of electric shavers. Photograph of Moskva Olympiískaja (pages 13-15). Russian.

A.P. Evstifejev et al, Opyt razrabotki dizajn-programmy po elektrobritvam, in: Tehnitseskaja Estetika (USSR) Sept. 1982 > A design program for electric shavers. Photograph of the Neva shaver program on page 12. Russian.
M.V. Tsubarova, Elektrobritvy, problema vybora materialov, in: Tehnitseskaja Estetika (USSR) Sept. 1982 > About the choice of materials for the production of electric shavers. Photograph of Neva 201 and Neva 302 on page 14. Russian.

Anon., Rasoirs électriques, in: La Suisse industrielle et commerciale (CH) no 2, 1941 > Article in a Swiss trade journal with a few words on (and a picture of) the first Orel. French.

Anon., 1,500,000 Dry Shavers, in: Fortune (USA), May 1938 > The first well-documented article on the early years of electric shaving in the USA includes the battle between Schick and its first competitors, like Packard. English.

Philips, Philishave, Norelco, Radiola & Raselis
Gijs Bakker, Evert Rodrigo et al, Design in Nederland, Nederlandse Kunststichting, Amsterdam (NL) 1981 > A short history of Dutch design and written portraits of 20 Dutch designers. Photograph of Philishaves on pages 5 and 41. Dutch.
H. Baudet, Een vertrouwde wereld, Bert Bakker, Amsterdam (NL) 1986 > A book about innovations with a story about the introduction of electric shaving. Photographs of Philishaves on pages 54-57. Dutch.
Guus Bekooy et al, Philips honderd, Europese Bibliotheek, Zaltbommel (NL) 1991 > A book on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Philips company. Some photographs of shavers, for example of the so-called Moonshaver, a prototype never used in space. Dutch.
Guus Bekooy, Frits Philips 100, Uitgeverij Aprilis, Zaltbommel (NL) 2005 > A book on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Frits Philips with many unpublished photographs from the family-album. Dutch.
I.J. Blanken, The history of Philips Electronics N.V. (Vol. 3, The development of N.V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken into a major electrical group), European Library, Zaltbommel (NL) 1999 > The third volume of Philips' history, 1918 till 1930. Five volumes are published until now (see also A. Heerding, who wrote vol. 1 and 2). English and Dutch (1992) editions.
I.J. Blanken, The history of Philips Electronics N.V. (Vol. 4, Under German rule), European Library, Zaltbommel (NL) 1999 > The fourth volume of Philips' history, 1930 till 1950. Five volumes are published until now (see also A. Heerding, who wrote vol. 1 and 2). English and Dutch (1997) editions.
I.J. Blanken, The history of Royal Philips Electronics N.V. (Vol. 5, An industrial worldfederation), European Library, Zaltbommel (NL) 2002 > The fifth volume of the history of the - now royal - Philips company, 1950 till 1970. Five volumes are published until now (see also A. Heerding, who wrote vol. 1 and 2). English and Dutch editions.
Kees Boersma, Inventing structures for industrial research, Aksant, Amsterdam (NL) 2002 > The history of the famous Philips "NatLab" (physics laboratory) between 1914-1946. English.
P.J. Bouman, Anton Philips, de mens - de ondernemer, Meulenhoff, Amsterdam (NL) 1956 > The biography of Anton Philips. This is the first (hardcover) edition. The second edition, revised and supplemented by the author, was issued in 1966 by Prisma-Boeken (no 1186), Utrecht (NL) / Antwerp (BE). Dutch first edition and paperback edition. English editions "Anton Philips of Eindhoven" (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London UK 1958) and "Growth of an enterprise, the life of Anton Philips" (Macmillan, London UK 1970).
Wilhelm Braun-Feldweg, Industriële vormgeving, Het Spectrum (Marka pocket), Utrecht (NL) 1969 > About industrial design. Biography of Philips designer L.C. Kalff on pages 130-131. Dutch.
Piet Brouwers, Lambert Tabak, '44-'69 Werken in vrijheid, Philips' Persbureau, Eindhoven (NL) 1969 > A book on the history of Philips to commemorate the facts that the south of Holland was liberated from the German occupier Sept. 18, 1944 and that the first Philips Koerier was issued Oct. 4 1944. Dutch.
Mel Byars, On/Off, New Electronic Products, Universe Publishing, New York (NY, USA) 2001 > New electronic products and gadgets, including Norelco's "Micro Action Free Style" series. English.
H.B.G. Casimir and S. Gradstein (ed.), An anthology of Philips research, N.V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken, Eindhoven (NL) 1966 > A history and an overview of achievements of the famous Philips Research Laboratories. No shavers. English.
Patrick Cook and Catherine Slessor, Bakelite, Chartwell Books Inc., Secaucus (NJ, USA) / Quintet Publishing Ltd., London (UK) 1992 > A guide to collecting bakelite. On page 31 Raymond Loewy is erroneously mentioned as the designer of Philishave 7735. English.
Peter van Dam, Ir. Louis C. Kalff 1897-1976, het artistieke geweten van Philips, [Z]OO Productions, Eindhoven (NL) 2007 > A biography of L.C. Kalff, for many years responsible for the appearance of Philips' products and advertisements. Dutch.
Wisse Dekker, Levenslang Philips, Uitgeverij Balans, Amsterdam (NL) 1996 > Former Philips CEO Wisse Dekker's memoirs. Dutch.
Sergio Derks, Rondom scheren, het succes van een uniek systeem, Philips DAP, Groningen (NL) 1989 > A book on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Philishave, with a history of Philishave and many seldom seen shavers, advertisements and gadgets. Dutch and English editions.
Sergio Derks, Wil Nuijen, Paul Spierings and Peter de Weijer, Scheren, van klapmes tot Philishave, Philips Eindhoven/PVC, Zwolle (NL) 1996 > A short history of shaving from straight razor to Philishave. Published on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Dutch Philishave Verzamelaars Club (Philishave Collectors Club). Dutch, French and English editions.
Sergio Derks, Philishave, generations of shaving excellence, Philips DAP, Groningen (NL) 1999 > A book on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Philishave with a history of Philishave and beautiful photographs. Dutch and English editions.
Sergio Derks, De kracht van vernieuwing (50 jaar Philips Drachten), Philips DAP, Drachten (NL) 2000 > Memorial book on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Philips' shaver factory at Drachten, The Netherlands. Dutch.
Sergio Derks, Wil Nuijen, Paul Spierings and Peter de Weijer, Koppen bij elkaar, Philishave Verzamelaars Club, Zwolle (NL) 2000 > An anthology of the Philishave Collectors Club's magazine and many reproductions of advertisements of the 1940's and 1950's on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Club. Dutch.
Anon., Prädikat Industrieform Hannover 1988, Die gute Industrieform Hannover e.V., Hannover (DE) 1988 > This catalog contains selected exhibits in the Industrieform exhibition in 1988. 4 Philips shavers on pages 524-527. German/English/French.
Günther Erdmann (ed.), Dynamic plastics - vom Bakelite zum High-Plast, Kunststoff-Museums-Verein, Frankfurt (DE) 1989 > A book on plastics with a picture of Philishave 7733 on page 76. German with English translation.
René Erven, De esthetiek van de vernieuwing, Eindhoven (NL) 1998 > A study on the styling of the Philishave (1939-1989), paper for the Dutch Open University. Interviews with Philips-designers Frans van der Put and Lou Beeren. Dutch.
René Erven, De esthetiek van de vernieuwing, in: Locus, Tijdschrift voor studenten en docenten Cultuurwetenschappen, Open Universiteit (NL) no 7, 2000 > This article in a Dutch magazine for teachers focuses on recent Philips shaver design: Philishave Reflex Action and Cool Skin, Norelco Advantage. Dutch.
Maarten Evenblij, Shaver tolt en tolt en tolt, in: Ingenieurskrant (NL) 2-5-1991 > Article on Philips' shaving technology in a Dutch technical magazine. Dutch.
Jan Feith and T. Nieuwenhuis (design and ed.), NV Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken 1891-1916, NV Philips, Eindhoven (NL) 1916 > Memorial book on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of NV Philips' Gloeilampenfabrieken (Incandescent Lamp Works). Dutch. A facsimile with an English translation was published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the incandescent lamp in 1979.
Adrian Forty, Objects of desire, Thames and Hudson, London (UK) 1986 > A study on design and society between 1750 and 1980. Philishave and Ladyshave illustrate the differentiation in design for male and female customers. English.
Eric van Gruijthuijsen and Peter Junge, De revolutie van Jan Timmer, Strengholt/Het Parool, Bussum/Amsterdam (NL) 1991 > About former Philips CEO Jan Timmer and his "Operation Centurion" to save Philips in the early 1990's. Dutch.
Jean Bernard Hebey, Domestic aesthetic, household art 1920-1970, 5 Continents Editions, Milano (IT) 2002 > A profusely illustrated coffee-table book with 365 beautiful household objects, including a Philips Beauty set on pages 324-325. English, also published in Italian as Estetica domestica, le arti della casa.
Harrie Heemskerk, Philips maakt 300 miljoen Philishaves, in: Elektro Magazine Detailhandel (NL) May 1995 > Article about Philips' market position in a Dutch trade journal. Dutch.
A. Heerding, The history of N.V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken (Vol. 1, The origin of the Dutch incandescent lamp industry), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK) 1986 > This is the first volume of Philips' history, dealing with the Dutch lamp industry until the start of the Philips company in 1891. Five volumes are published until now (see also I.J. Blanken, who wrote vol. 3 and 4). English and Dutch editions.
A. Heerding, The history of N.V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken (Vol. 2, A company of many parts), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK) 1988 > The second volume of Philips' history, dealing with the period from 1891 till 1918. Five volumes are published until now (see also I.J. Blanken, who wrote vol. 3 and 4). English and Dutch editions.
Steven Heller and Louise Fili, Dutch Modern, graphic design from De Stijl to deco, Chronicle Books, San Francisco (CA, USA) 1994 > A book about Dutch graphic design between 1920 and 1940. Philips publicity and packagings on pages 62-67. English.
John Heskett, Philips, a study of the corporate management of design, Trefoil Publications, London (UK) 1989 > A book on Philips' corporate design. Photographs of shavers and designers throughout the book. English.
Ed van Hinte, Down-to-earth and unorthodox, in: Dutch Arts (NL) July 1989 > An introduction to Dutch design in a periodical of the International Information Dept. of the Dutch Ministry for Cultural Affairs. English.
Pieke Hooghoff, Plastics in het huishouden, Europese Bibliotheek, Zaltbommel (NL) 2001 > About plastic housewares, including Philishave and Oster clippers. Dutch.
A. Horowitz, A. van Dam and W.H. van der Mei, Het electrisch scheerapparaat Philishave, in: Philips Technisch Tijdschrift (NL) Dec. 1939 > A description of the first Philishave in Philips' technical magazine by the inventor himself. Dutch.
Jerry Jankowski, Shelf space, modern package design 1945-1965, Chronicle Books, San Francisco (CA, USA) 1998 > A book on package design. Photograph of Norelco Coquette and its packaging on page 77. English.
Ted Jansen (ed.), Professioneel profiel, Philips Nederland NV, Eindhoven (NL) 1970 > The professional products of Philips like medical equipment, computers, projects for the infrastructure etcetera. Dutch.
Guy Julier, The Thames and Hudson encyclopedia of 20th century design and designers, Thames and Hudson, London (UK) 1993 > Philips company mentioned on pages 154-155. English.
Gerard Kerkvliet and Willem van Well Groeneveld, Industrial design in practice, Akademie Industriële Vormgeving, Eindhoven (NL) 1987 > About the academy of industrial design in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Interviews with Philips designers and teachers at the academy. Dutch/English.
R.J. Kras et al, Bakeliet, techniek, vormgeving en gebruik, Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen, Rotterdam (NL) 1981 > A book on bakelite with a short history of Philishave and photographs of several Philishaves (7736, 7733, 7735, SC 7860 and KL 2400) on pages 94-97. Raymond Loewy is erroneously mentioned as the designer of Philishave 7735. Dutch with English summary.
R.J. Kras, Nederlands fabrikaat, industriële vormgeving, (Teleac/NOT) V+K Publishing, Bussum (NL) 1997 > A book with a Dutch educational television series on Dutch industrial design. Photographs of Philishave 7736 and 7735 on page 40. According to the author the design for type 7735 "sometimes is attributed to Raymond Loewy". Dutch.
Dingeman Kuilman, De schuld van het schildembleem, Uitgeverij Nieuwer Amstel, Amsterdam (NL) 1991 > The history of the Philips logo. Dutch.
Pieter Lakeman, 100 Jaar Philips, de officieuze biografie, Lakeman Publishers, Amsterdam (NL) 1991 > A critical book on the history of Philips, written by a Dutch advocate of shareholders interests. Dutch.
Toon Lauwen, Dutch design van de 20ste eeuw, Thoth, Bussum (NL) 2003 > An outline of Dutch design in the 20th century. Dutch.
Loet Leydesdorff et al, Philips en de wetenschap, Socialistische Uitgeverij Amsterdam, Amsterdam (NL) 1980 > An interesting but dated study to the influence of Philips on scientific physics research in Holland. Dutch.
Christopher Lorenz, The design dimension, Blackwell, Oxford (UK) 1986 > About design as a competitive weapon for business. Pages 104-113 are about Philips, pages 110-112 about Philishave. English.
N. Luning Prak, Industriële vormgeving, Scheltema Holkema NV/Brusse NV, Amsterdam/Rotterdam (NL) 1957 > On industrial design in the Netherlands. Philishave 7743 on photographs 16 and 57. Dutch.
Stefano Marzano, Creating value by design, thoughts by Stefano Marzano, V+K Publishers / Lund Humphries Publishers, Blaricum (NL) / London (UK) 1998 > Writings of the director of the Philips Design Group on the ideas and strategies of the Design Group. No shavers. English.
Anon., Creating value by design, facts from Philips Design, V+K Publishers / Lund Humphries Publishers, Blaricum (NL) / London (UK) 1998 > A picturebook of the activities of the Philips Design Group in the 1990's. Some shavers. English and 7 other languages.
Stefano Marzano, Past tense, future sense, Bis Publishers, Amsterdam (NL) 2005 > 80 Years of design at Philips, with a special chapter on Philishave. English.
Marcel Metze, Kortsluiting, Sun, Nijmegen (NL) 1991 > A critical book on the recent history of Philips (1980-1990). Dutch.
Marcel Metze, Let's make things better, Sun, Nijmegen (NL) 1997 > Another critical book on the recent history of Philips (1990-1997). Dutch.
Marcel Metze, Anton Philips 1874-1951, Uitgeverij Balans, Amsterdam (NL) 2004 > A new biography of Anton Philips by Philips-watcher Metze. Dutch.
G.A. van der Molen and A.M. Vierhout (ed.), 60 Jaar Philips 1891-1951, Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken NV, Eindhoven (NL) 1951 > A book (magazine format) on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Philips. Dutch.
Barbara Mundt, (Produkt)Design 1900-1990, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin (DE) 1991 > A few words on Philishave design. Photograph of Philishave 7735. German.
C.G. Nijsen, Philips in het kort, Philips Public Relations Projects Dept., Eindhoven (NL) 1973 > Official Philips information for public relations, new personnel, thesis, lectures, etc. Dutch.
D. Overkleeft and L.E. Groosman, Het Dekker perspectief, Kluwer/Veen Deventer/Utrecht (NL) 1987 > Former Philips CEO Wisse Dekker's thoughts on Europeanization as a condition for the survival of the European industry. Dutch and English editions.
Rob Perrée (ed.), Bakelite, Cadre/Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon NV, Amsterdam/Ghent (NL/BE) 1996 > A book on bakelite based on the Dutch Becht-collection. Photographs of Philishave 7736 and 7733 and Raselis 7733 on page 105. English.
Anon., In en om de Philips fabrieken, NV Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken, Eindhoven (NL) 1920 > A book with 100 historical photographs of the Philips factories, the employees and early advertisements (no texts). The book is designed by Chris Lebeau (1878-1945), a well known Dutch artist/designer. Dutch and French editions.
Anon., Korte beschrijving der Philips' bedrijven, NV Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken, Eindhoven (NL) 1938 > A book with an overview of the Philips company in 1938 with historical photographs. Dutch.
Anon., 25 Years with Philishave, Philips International, Eindhoven (NL) 1964 > A book published on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Philishave. English.
Anon., Philips Drachten 25, Philips DAP, Drachten (NL) 1975 > A short history of shaving and a history of Philips' shaver factories in Drachten, The Netherlands. Published on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of these factories. Dutch.
Anon., Philishave 1939-1979 Historical Review, Philips DAP, Drachten (NL) 1979 > A booklet on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Philishave with 42 shavers and a history of the rotary shaving-head. English.
Anon., Philishave Magazine 40 jaar, in: Philips Magazine (NL) special 1979 > A special issue of Philips' company magazine on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Philishave. Dutch.
Anon., De geschiedenis van de baard/Morgen weer scheren, in: Philips Magazine (NL) June 1983 > A short history of shaving with many Philishaves in Philips' company magazine. Dutch.
Anon., Elektronica voor mensen, Philips Electronics NV, Eindhoven (NL) 1992 > A corporate brochure about Philips' position in 1992. Dutch.
Anon., Nat versus droog, de strijd om het mannengezicht, in: Philips Magazine (NL) March 1997 > A short story about Philishave in Philips' company magazine, with photographs of some rare Philishaves. Dutch.
Frits Philips and Leo Ott, 45 Jaar met Philips, Ad. Donker, Rotterdam (NL) 1976 > Autobiography of Frits Philips. Dutch hardcover first edition, Dutch paperback, English and German editions.
Wallace G. Pinfold, A closer shave, man's daily search for perfection, Artisan, New York (NY, USA) 1999 > A nice anecdotal book about shaving. Photograph of a giant Philishave Reflex Action shaver, painted by Dutch COBRA painter Corneille on page 57. English. German and Dutch translations by Könemann, Köln (DE) 2000.
Renny Ramakers, Vorm & industrie in Nederland 1, Uitgeverij 010, Rotterdam (NL) 1984 > A book about housewares design in The Netherlands. Pages 20-23 are about Philishave. Dutch.
Timo de Rijk, Het elektrische huis, Uitgeverij 010, Rotterdam (NL) 1998 > A dissertation about the design and introduction of electrical appliances in the Dutch home. Chapters about Philips and the history of Philips' design department. Dutch with English summary.
Timo de Rijk, Designers in Nederland, Ludion, Amsterdam/Gent (NL/BE) 2003 > An encyclopedia of Dutch design. Dutch.
Jacques Rouaud, 60 Ans d'arts menagers, tome 2: 1948-1983, la consommation, Syros Alternatives, Paris (FR) 1993 > Part two (1948-1983) of the French housewares story. French.
Eric van Royen, Philips en zijn toeleveranciers, Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken voor Zuid-Oost Brabant, Eindhoven (NL) 1991 > A study about the relations between the Philips-factories in Eindhoven and its suppliers in the region, for example the suppliers of shaver cases Jac. Rompa and Sons BV and Incase BV. Dutch.
Frances Ruijter, Philips ziet het licht, in: Items (NL) no 38, Aug. 1991 > About design as a new element in Philips' company strategy. Photograph of the 1990 Philishave program. Dutch.
De Scheerkoerier (NL) quarterly magazine from Sept. 1990 till now > From September 1990 the Dutch Philishave Verzamelaars Club (Philishave Collectors Club) has published a magazine for its members every three months. Dutch.
Wolfgang Schmittel, Corporate design international, ABC Verlag, Zürich (CH) 1984 > A book on corporate identity by Braun's graphic designer Schmittel. Several ad's for Philips XTR foil shavers depicted on page 60. English, German, French.
Brigitte Schmutzler (ed.), Bakelit, ein Werkstoff mit Zukunft, Landesmuseum Koblenz, Koblenz (DE) 1993 > Catalogue of an exhibition with the same name. Photograph of a safetyrazor set and a Philishave. German.
Gert Staal and Hester Wolters (ed.), Holland in vorm, Stichting Holland in vorm, 's-Gravenhage (NL) 1987 > A history of Dutch design with a short story on Philips' design. Dutch.
Ronald Stein (ed.), The sum that is Philips, Corporate Bureau External Relations, Eindhoven (NL) 1983 > An overview of the company and its products. English.
István Szénássy (ed.), Ontwerpen voor de industrie 1, Martinipers/Wolters Noordhoff, Groningen (NL) 1982 > A book on the industrial design process. Photograph of Philips 7733 and KL2400 on page 46. Dutch.
Lambert Tabak (ed.), Terug naar toen, Philips Persbureau, Eindhoven (NL) 1966 > An anthology of articles on the year 1891 in the Philips Koerier of 1966, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Philips. Dutch.
Michael Tambini, 100 Jaar design, Unieboek/Gaade Uitgevers, Houten (NL) 1997 > 100 Years design. Philishave and Ladyshave on pages 102-103. This is the Dutch translation of the book The Look of the Century.
Ad Teulings, Philips, Geschiedenis en praktijk van een wereldconcern, Van Gennep, Amsterdam (NL) 1976 > A critical book on the history of Philips from a Marxist viewpoint. Dutch.
E.W. Tietjens, De geschiedenis van het Philishave scheerapparaat, in: Philips Technisch Tijdschrift (NL) July 1986 > A history of Philishave in Philips' technical magazine. Dutch.
A.Th. van Urk, Beschouwingen over het electrisch scheren, in: Philips Technisch Tijdschrift (NL) Jan. 1950 > Article about electric shaving in Philips' technical magazine. Dutch.
Janine Verstegen, Elektrische apparaten, in: Industrie en vormgeving in Nederland 1850|1950, Reproduktieafdeling Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (NL) 1985 > Article about the design of Philips radio's in a catalogue for an exhibition on Dutch industrial design. Dutch.
Marc J. de Vries, 80 Years of research at the Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium 1914-1994, Pallas Publications, Amsterdam (NL) 2005 > The history of the famous Philips NatLab (physics laboratory) between 1914 and 1994. English.
Dieter Weidmann, Philips, in: Trödler no 250, September 2000 > A short history of Philips design and products in a German magazine for collectors. German.
Peter de Weijer and Sergio Derks, Bijna 60 jaar Philishave boeiend in beeld gebracht (delen 1 en 2), in: Verzamelkrant (NL) Dec. 1996 and Jan. 1997 > A short history of the Philishave, first published as a leaflet for a Philishave exhibition in the Museum of the 20th Century at Hoorn (The Netherlands). This is a reprint in a Dutch magazine for collectors. Dutch.
Frans Wilbrink, Kunst in de Philips-reclame, [Z]OO producties, Eindhoven (NL) 2005 > How artists worked for Philips publicity and advertising campaigns between 1891 and 1941. Dutch.
Knut Yran, ... a joy forever, Industrial Design Institute of Australia (IDIA), Melbourne (AU) 1980 > Yran, director of Philips' Concern Industrial Design Centre between 1966 and 1980, gives his view on industrial design. Based on a keynote speech to the First Industrial Design Forum in Australia.
Peter A. Zucker (ed.), Vision of a reality, Philips, Eindhoven (NL) 1966 > A book on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Philips company. No shavers. English.

Anon., Rasoirs électriques, in: La Suisse industrielle et commerciale (CH) no 2, 1941 > Article in a Swiss trade journal with a few words on Rabaldo and a picture of its shaving system. French.

R.J. Kras et al, Bakeliet, techniek, vormgeving en gebruik, Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen, Rotterdam (NL) 1981 > A book on bakelite with a photograph of a Racine de Luxe Esquire shaver on page 96. Dutch with English summary.
Amy van Hoosier (ed.), Safety Razors, a price guide, L-W Book Sales, Gas City (IN, USA) 1995 > Photograph of Racine Senior Deluxe Razor on page 100. English.

Anon., History of Herkimer County, New York, F.W. Beers & Co., New York (NY, USA) 1879 > The history of the county where Remington's roots are. Contains a state history (pp. 1-30), Herkimer County (pp. 31-100), town and village histories (pp. 101-288), biographical sketches and notices throughout the book. English.
Anon., Souvenir of Ilion, Citizen Print, Ilion (NY, USA) 1904 > A short history of the city where Remington's roots are, with many photographs of buildings, businesses, scenic views and especially individuals, including the Remington family. English.
Stephen Bayley, In good shape, Design Council, London (UK) 1979 > Industrial design in the twentieth century. Photograph of Remington Super 60 on page 176. According to the author the shaver is designed by Alan Irvine. English.
Wilfred A. Beeching, Century of the typewriter, William Heinemann Ltd., London (UK) 1974 > The history of the typewriter. Parts of Remington's history throughout the book. English.
Barry Dean, Design Review, Industrial Design 24th Annual, Watson-Guptill Publications, New York (NY, USA) 1978 > A design yearbook. Packaging system for Remington's shavers (XLR-series) mentioned. English.
Janet Donovan (ed.), Design and Art Direction '66, Studio Vista, London (UK) 1966 > Catalog of the fourth exhibition of the Designers and Art Directors Association, London. Award winning newspaper advertisement of Remington Lektronic and more Remingtons. English.
Günther Erdmann (ed.), Dynamic plastics - vom Bakelite zum High-Plast, Kunststoff-Museums-Verein, Frankfurt (DE) 1989 > A book on plastics with photograph of Remington Rollectric on page 76. The letterpress says this shaver is from 1953 and designed by Alan Irvine. The first is not correct (must be 1959), the second is doubtful. German with English translation.
George A. Hardin and Frank H. Willard (ed.), History of Herkimer County, New York, D. Mason & Co., Publishers, Syracuse (NY, USA) 1893 > The history of Herkimer county and its companies and citizens. Facsimile reprint in 1993. English.
John Heskett, Industrial Design, Oxford University Press, New York (NY, USA) 1980 > History of industrial design. A few words on Remington's typewriters and a photograph of Remington no 1 typewriter. English.
Sylvia Katz, Classic Plastics, Thames and Hudson, London (UK) 1984 > A book on plastics. Photograph of the first Remington shaver (model E) on page 63. English.
Victor Kiam, Going for it!, William Morrow and Company Inc., New York (NY, USA) 1986 > How to succeed as an entrepreneur, by the owner of Remington Products. The story of Remington between 1976 and 1986. English.
Victor Kiam, Live to win, Harper & Row Publishers, New York (NY, USA) 1989 > How to succeed at work and love, and find true fulfillment in an adventurous entrepreneurial life, by the owner of Remington Products. First published as "Keep going for it!" in Great Britain by William Collins & Co. Ltd., in 1988. English.
R.J. Kras et al, Bakeliet, techniek, vormgeving en gebruik, Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen, Rotterdam (NL) 1981 > A book on bakelite. Photographs of Remington model W and Remington Super 60 on pages 96-97. Dutch with English summary.
Earl Lifshey, The housewares story, National Housewares Manufacturers Association, Chicago (IL, USA) 1973 > Story with a few mistakes and photographs of Remington shavers on page 353. English.
Robert O'Brien et al, Machines, Time Life Books/Time Life International BV (NL) 1964 > A book about inventions. On page 120 is a photograph of John Mauchly and Presper Eckert behind 'their' Univac computer. English.
Anon., Meet the Australian Test Team, Remington Rand (UK) 1956 > A 16 page booklet with photographs of the 1956 Australian test team using Remington shavers. English.
R.R., Shaving in comfort, in: Design (UK) vol. 82 1955 > Case histories of two razors before and after redesign, Rolls Razor V-Ten and Remington Super 60. English.
Wayne van Zwoll, America's great gunmakers, Stoeger Publishing Company, South Hackensack (NJ, USA) 1992 > A nice story on the early days of the Remington family and company. The story ends long before the first Remington electric shaver. English.

Rolls Razor
H. Baudet, Een vertrouwde wereld, Bert Bakker, Amsterdam (NL) 1986 > A book about innovations with a story about the introduction of electric shaving. Photograph of Rolls Razor Viceroy (non-electric) Dry Shaver on page 57. Dutch.
Rob Perrée (ed.), Bakelite, Cadre/Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon NV, Amsterdam/Ghent (NL/BE) 1996 > A book on bakelite based on the Dutch Becht-collection. Photograph of Rolls Razor Viceroy (non-electric) Dry Shaver on page 104. English.
Amy van Hoosier (ed.), Safety Razors, a price guide, L-W Book Sales, Gas City (IN, USA) 1995 > Photograph of Rolls Razor Viceroy (non-electric) Dry Shaver on page 105. English.
R.R., Shaving in comfort, in: Design (UK) vol. 82 1955 > Case histories of two razors before and after redesign, Rolls Razor V-Ten and Remington Super 60. English.

Stuart Schneider, Ronson's Art Metal Works, Schiffer Publishing Ltd., Atglen (PA, USA) 2001 > A book for collectors, with a price guide, on Ronson's metal works. Some company history, some lighters, no shavers. English.

Hans Wichmann, Industrial Design, Unikate, Serienerzeugnisse, Prestel Verlag, München (DE) 1985 > About Die Neue Sammlung, a museum for applied arts and industrial design in Munich. Photograph of Sanyo shaver on page 430. German.

H. Baudet, Een vertrouwde wereld, Bert Bakker, Amsterdam (NL) 1986 > A book about innovations with a story about the introduction of electric shaving. Photographs of Schick products on pages 53-55. Dutch.
Marjan Boot et al, De eerste plastic eeuw, kunststoffen in het dagelijks leven, Haags Gemeentemuseum, Den Haag (NL) 1981 > A history of plastics. Photograph of one of the first Schick shavers on page 13. Dutch.
Jay Doblin, One hundred great product designs, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York (NY, USA) 1970 > 100 Product designs, including Schick's model 20 on page 82. English.
Michael C. Dooling, The art & science of shaving, Warner Lambert Shaving Products Group, Milford (CT, USA) 1994 > A short history of shaving and the manufacture of modern razors by the owners of the Schick and Wilkinson brands. English and Japanese (1995) versions.
Michael C. Dooling, Innovation in shaving, Warner Lambert Shaving Products Group, Milford (CT, USA) 1997 > A brief outline of Schick and Wilkinson's technologies and inventions. English.
Anon., 1,500,000 Dry Shavers, in: Fortune (USA), May 1938 > The first well-documented article on the early years of electric shaving in the USA, with much information about Schick. English.
R.J. Kras et al, Bakeliet, techniek, vormgeving en gebruik, Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen, Rotterdam (NL) 1981 > A book on bakelite with photographs of a Schick model A and three other Schick shavers on pages 93-95. Dutch with English summary.
Phillip L. Krumholz, A history of shaving and razors, Ad Libs Publishing Co., Bartonville (IL, USA) 1987 > Not really a history, but rather an encyclopedia of straight razors, safety razors and the like. A short story on Schick on pages 234-236. English.
Earl Lifshey, The housewares story, National Housewares Manufacturers Association, Chicago (IL, USA) 1973 > Story and photographs of Schick prototype electric shaver and other early Schick shaver on page 352. English.
Raymond Loewy, Industrial Design, Faber and Faber, Boston/London (USA/UK) 1979 > Loewy's own story about his design. Photograph of Schick shaver packaging on page 118. English.
Arthur J. Pulos, The American design adventure, MIT Press, London (UK) 1988 > A history of American design. Schick model 20 on pages 325-326. English.
Studiegroep Industrie, Industriële vormgeving in Amerika, Contactgroep Opvoering Productiviteit, Den Haag (NL) 1954 > A Dutch study on American industrial design. Photograph of Schick model 20 on page 94+, a story about the designer of this shaver, Carl Otto, on pages 13-15. Dutch with English summary.
E.S. Turner, Safetyrazor, in: Edward de Bono (ed.), Eureka!, an illustrated history of inventions from the wheel to the computer, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York (NY, USA) 1974, Thames & Hudson, London (UK) 1974, Spectrum, Utrecht/Antwerpen (NL/BE) 1975 > A book on inventions. Schick mentioned on page 147. English, Dutch and probably many other editions.
Evert Werkman, 50 Eeuwen baardcultuur, in: Motorama, General Motors Continental, Antwerpen (BE) July 1959 > A short history of shaving in a European GM magazine. Photograph of a prototype Schick on page 13. Dutch.

John Goodall, A journey in time, the remarkable story of Seiko, Seiko Watch Corp., Tokyo (JP) 2003 > History of the Seiko Corp. No shavers. English.
Nabata Masaharu et al., The Seiko book, the real history of Seiko watches, Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co. Ltd., Tokyo (JP) 1999 > History of the Seiko Corp. No shavers. Japanese (and English?) editions.
Hoshimi Uschida, Evolution of Seiko, 1892-1923, Seiko Watch Corp., Tokyo (JP) 2000 > The early history of the Seiko Corp. No shavers. Japanese and English editions.

Almuth Bartels and Lothar Schoen (ed.), 150 Jahre Siemens, Siemens AG, München (DE) 1997 > A history of Siemens. Advertisement for Siemens SiRaMa (Siemens Rasiermachine) on page 50. German.
H. Baudet, Een vertrouwde wereld, Bert Bakker, Amsterdam (NL) 1986 > A book about innovations with a story about the introduction of electric shaving. Photograph of Siemens SiRaMa on page 55. Dutch.
Fuchs and Burkhardt, Produkt, Form, Geschichte, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin (DE) 1985 > 150 Years of German design. Photograph of Siemens SiRaMa on page 249. German.
Bob Gordon, Early electrical appliances, Shire Album 124, Shire Publications Ltd., Buckinghamshire (UK) 1984 (reprinted 1998) > An overview of the development of electrical household appliances. Siemens SiRaMa razor on page 29. English.
Andree Michel and Frans Longin, Siemens, de geschiedenis van een internationale onderneming, Corporate Institute, Paris (FR) 1990 > A history of Siemens. No shavers mentioned. Dutch; there should be editions in other languages.
Andreas Ortmann, 150 Jahre Siemens, in: Trödler (DE) 215 and 216, Oct. and Nov. 1997 > A history of Siemens and its products in a German magazine for collectors. No shavers mentioned. German.
Werner von Siemens, Mijn leven, de geschiedenis van de Siemensfabrieken, edition renewed by Kurt Fleischhack, Uitgeverij Boot, Den Haag (NL) 1942 > Werner von Siemens' autobiography (1889) in a reprint with an afterword by Kurt Fleischhack. Dutch; there is also a German edition.
Anon., Kleine Mitteilungen, in: Siemens Mitteilungen, Siemens AG, Berlin (DE) 1933 > Introduction of Siemens SiRaMa in Siemens Mitteilungen, the news magazine of the Siemens company (the magazine is nowadays called Siemens Welt). German.
Astrid Zipfel, Public Relations in der Elektroindustrie - Die Firmen Siemens und AEG 1847 bis 1939, Böhlau Verlag, Köln (DE) 1997 > Public relations in the German electronics industry. A case study on the AEG and Siemens companies in the period of 1847 till 1939. German.

John A. Byrne, Chainsaw, HarperCollins Publishers, New York (NY, USA) 1999 > The notorious career of Al Dunlap - Chainsaw Al - as chief of Sunbeam between 1996 and 1998. English.
Anon., Stewart horse clipping and sheep shearing machines, Chicago Flexible Shaft Company, Chicago (IL, USA) 1910 > An early sales catalogue of the Chicago Flexible Shaft Company. English.
Anon., The melting pot, Chicago Flexible Shaft Company, Chicago (IL, USA) 1920-1924 > The house organ of the Chicago Flexible Shaft Company. Published irregularly in the early 1920's. In the 1940's the Stewart Industrial Furnace Division of the company published a monthly periodical called 'Stewart metal minutes', from March 1946 called 'Sunbeam Stewart metal minutes'. Main subject in both periodicals was steel/metallurgy. English.
Albert J. Dunlap and Bob Andelman, Mean business, Simon & Schuster, New York (NY, USA) 1996, 1997 > The second edition of this book has a special chapter on the Sunbeam company. English.
Karl Goetz, John Bruecker, the man, the inventor, the philanthropist, John Bruecker Foundation, Schoenaich (DE) 1957 > A biography of the inventor of the Sunbeam shaver. English and German editions.
John Heskett, Mr. Sunbeam, in: I.D. Magazine Vol. 41, No. 3, Magazine Publications, New York (NY, USA) May/June 1994 > A biography of Sunbeam designer and product developer Ivar Jepson. English.
Phillip L. Krumholz, A history of shaving and razors, Ad Libs Publishing Co., Bartonville (IL, USA) 1987 > Not really a history, but rather an encyclopedia of straight razors, safety razors and the like. A short story about Sunbeam is on pages 261-262. English.
Earl Lifshey, The housewares story, National Housewares Manufacturers Association, Chicago (IL, USA) 1973 > Short story and photograph of Sunbeam shaver on page 353. English.
Katherine Miller and Helen Ruggles, How to launder clothes properly and how to cook 49 dishes at the table, Chicago Flexible Shaft Company, Chicago (IL, USA) 1926 > One of the first cookbooks by Sunbeam. English.
Rob Perrée (ed.), Bakelite, Cadre/Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon NV, Amsterdam/Ghent (NL/BE) 1996 > A book on bakelite based on the Dutch Becht-collection. Photograph of Sunbeam model R on page 105. English.

Rob Perrée (ed.), Bakelite, Cadre/Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon NV, Amsterdam/Ghent (NL/BE) 1996 > A book on bakelite based on the Dutch Becht-collection. Photograph of Tark Electric (safety) Razor on page 104. English.
Amy van Hoosier (ed.), Safety Razors, a price guide, L-W Book Sales, Gas City (IN, USA) 1995 > Photographs of Tark Electric (safety) Razor on page 99. English.

H. Baudet, Een vertrouwde wereld, Bert Bakker, Amsterdam (NL) 1986 > A book about innovations with a story about the introduction of electric shaving. Photograph of Thorens Rivièra mechanical hand-wound shaver on page 57. Dutch.
Patrick Cook and Catherine Slessor, Bakelite, Chartwell Books Inc., Secaucus (NJ, USA) / Quintet Publishing Ltd., London (UK) 1992 > A guide to collecting bakelite, with photograph of Thorens Rivièra (no bakelite but ureaformaldehyde) on page 31. English.
Daniel Marty, Histoire illustrée du phonographe, Edita, Lausanne (CH) and Établissements Vilo, Paris (FR) 1979 > A book about music-boxes and phonographs. Thorens mentioned on page 136. No shavers. French.
Herman Nauts, Van muziekdoos tot grammofoon, Stedelijk Museum, Sint-Niklaas (BE) 1979 > A book about music-boxes and phonographs. Thorens mentioned on several pages. No shavers. Dutch.

Vibro Shave
Amy van Hoosier (ed.), Safety Razors, a price guide, L-W Book Sales, Gas City (IN, USA) 1995 > Photographs of two Vibro-Shave Electric Razors on page 17. English.

Wilkinson SWord
Patrick Cook and Catherine Slessor, Bakelite, Chartwell Books Inc., Secaucus (NJ, USA) / Quintet Publishing Ltd., London (UK) 1992 > A guide to collecting bakelite. Photograph of Wilkinson Sword's non-motorized dry Travel Razor on page 31. English.
Michael C. Dooling, The art & science of shaving, Warner Lambert Shaving Products Group, Milford (CT, USA) 1994 > A short history of shaving and the manufacture of modern razors by the owners of the Schick and Wilkinson brands. English and Japanese (1995) versions.
Michael C. Dooling, Innovation in shaving, Warner Lambert Shaving Products Group, Milford (CT, USA) 1997 > A brief outline of Schick and Wilkinson's technologies and inventions. English.
Günther Erdmann (ed.), Dynamic plastics - vom Bakelite zum High-Plast, Kunststoff-Museums-Verein, Frankfurt (DE) 1989 > A book on plastics. Photograph of Wilkinson Sword's non-motorized dry Travel Razor on page 76. German with English translation.
Charlotte & Peter Fiell, Industrial Design A-Z, Taschen, Köln (DE) 2000/2006 > An encyclopedic overview of industrial design of the 20th century with photographs of several Wilkinson razors. English and probably other editions.
Christopher Lorenz, The design dimension, Blackwell, Oxford (UK) 1986 > About design as a competitive weapon for business. Pages 120-132 are about Kenneth Grange, pages 127-131 about his (wet-shaving) products for Wilkinson Sword. English.
Monopolies and merger commission (M.S. Lipworth), Stora Kopparbergs Bergslags AB/Swedish Match NV, and Stora Kopparbergs Bergslags AB/The Gillette Company, HMSO London (UK) 1991 > A report on the merger situations for the British Parliament with a lot of information on the companies involved (Gillette and Wilkinson Sword) and on the British wet-shaving market in the 1980's. Also published as "Razors and razor blades". English.
Rob Perrée (ed.), Bakelite, Cadre/Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon NV, Amsterdam/Ghent (NL/BE) 1996 > A book on bakelite based on the Dutch Becht-collection. Photograph of Wilkinson Sword's non-motorized dry Travel Razor on page 104. English.
Robert Wilkinson Latham, Wilkinson razors, published by the author (www.pabd.com), London (UK) 2004 > The history of Wilkinson's straight and safety razors from 1855 until 2003. English.

E|S|M's bookshelves, various bibliographies and booksellers, Alan Appleby's Safety Razors and Shaving Collectibles booklist, Stefan Wolf's Nassrasur.com booklist. Visit Trussel's Books & Book Collecting for help finding old books.

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